Tag Archives: bibliography

Critical Analysis of Dante 2022 Best

Critical Analysis of Dante

This is a critical analysis of Dante, The Inferno of Dante”.  Paper should include: o Summary (no more than two pages) o Some kind of analysis of important themes/arguments (more than one, 2 to 4 is best) of the book.

Critical Analysis of Dante

Paper details Critical Analysis of “Dante, The Inferno of Dante”. 4-5 pages double spaced. Include main themes, arguments, summary of the text, assess the value of the work. MLA format is fine. I included pictures of the book. It is called “Dante The Divine Comedy Volume 1: Inferno” There are chapter summaries online. This book is translated by Mark Musa. Professors instructions: • Paper should include: o Summary (no more than two pages) o Some kind of analysis of important themes/arguments (more than one, 2 to 4 is best) of the book.

Critical Analysis of Dante

Assessment of the value of the book (was it good, bad, what worked and did not work, etc.) o An introduction (with a thesis) and a conclusion • Other things to remember o Citations – all quotes must be cited, any examples you pull from the text, even if they are summarized or paraphrased must be cited o You can use outside information, but you have to cite it where you use it and include those sources on a bibliography/works cited page o Try not to use first person (I, we) or second person (you) in your writing. https://youtu.be/-_xdcS66fKU

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Practical Book Review. 2022 Best

Practical Book Review.

This assignment involves carrying out a  Practical Book Review. A PBR is a way of responding to readings that requires the learner to interact with new ideas and techniques on several levels.

Practical Book Review.

PRACTICAL BOOK REVIEW ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW A Practical Book Review (PBR) is a way of responding to readings that requires the learner to interact with new ideas and techniques on several levels. Your Practical Book Review Assignment can be accomplished by thinking of four action words: Summarize, Respond, Reflect, and Act. Use the following headings and details to satisfactorily complete the review. INSTRUCTIONS  Your grade on this assignment depends on the manner in which you address each of the four dimensions (see content on required assignment sections below) in graduate level fashion and according to the appropriate research writing guidelines of this class.

Practical Book Review.

A Title Page should be constructed according to current APA standards or Turabian form.  Do not include an Abstract, Introduction, or Conclusion. You must use the headings provided as your main headings and any sub-headers deemed necessary. Develop the intended discussions early on rather than at the end of the sections.  The body of this paper should be at least 4 pages. Each section should include at least 1 full page of content.  Provide the book’s reference information on a References page or Bibliography page according to current APA standards or Turabian form.

Practical Book Review.

This means you need to be aware of how and when you use periods, spacing, italics, capitalization style, edition, and proper source citations. Do not simply “copy and paste” the reference from an electronic source. Always construct the required reference entry or you may lose points for repeated mistakes.  Make sure to correctly format the file name of the doc./docx. document and avoid losing easy points. For example, if Aner Odell Kruiser submits a Practical Book Review of the Petersen text, she (not you) would save the .doc or .docx file as: PACO500_PBR_Petersen+AOK. Do not use text, pages. or pdf. files.

Practical Book Review.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. REQUIRED PRACTICAL BOOK REVIEW ASSIGNMENT SECTIONS SUMMARIZE! In your own words, summarize what you have read by boiling down the book into a brief summary (1–2 pages). Do not copy and paste from the text, a website, student sample, or from a previous Practical Book Review – this is plagiarism! Prove that you comprehend the material by writing a brief, comprehensive summary. SUMMARIZE! is not a commentary with reflection or a rehearsing of the text’s Table of Contents; rather, it is a gut-level, insightful “précis” of the longer, more highly crafted book.

Practical Book Review.

Bottom line?! Provide a clear overview of the material, and in the closing transition, pitch a convincing “So What?!” to the reader. The “So-What?!” qualifier introduces the central point with an appeal for application. Be clear and concise regarding a central point that makes it a good-read. In short, use the “So-What?!” phrase as you point out to the reader “Why s/he should care?!”enough to apply this point to his or her life. Short quotations are acceptable, but they should not be more than 1–2 sentences. Direct quotations, paraphrases, and core notes must be properly cited. Do not reference any other source PACO 500 Page 2 of 3 in your summary.

Practical Book Review.

This summary is only about the assigned text. Do not use first or second person; be a reporter and give clear, concise facts. RESPOND! What parts of this book are about your growth and development in the midst of relationships? You will remember almost nothing you have read unless you make this critical, personal connection. Relate at least 1 personal life episode that a specific part of the of the text triggered in your memory (i.e., cite accordingly).  https://youtu.be/IhYF3v3zTeo

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Role of Interpol in global policing. 2022 Best

Role of Interpol in global policing.

This paper examines the role of Interpol in global policing. General Instructions Work process: Define one or more research questions Do research: visit the library, access the e-library, browse the internet for scientific papers on the subject.

Role of Interpol in global policing.

Final paper Topic: Role of Interpol in maintenance of Global Security. General Instructions Work process: Define one or more research questions Do research: visit the library, access the e-library, browse the internet for scientific papers on the subject. If needed: change or re-define your research question(s). Prepare an outline for the paper (feel free to ask your teacher for feedback/advice) Do more research and write a critical, analytical and argumentative paper answering your research question(s). Throughout the paper, always quote your sources. Final Essay GUIDELINES Project set-up: Title Page. Table of Contents: here you sum up your chapters and sub-chapters, including page numbers.

Role of Interpol in global policing.

Introduction: here you mention your topic/central idea, provide a brief background, and raise your research question(s) or state something you are trying to answer/prove in your paper Main part (structured into sub-chapters): here you analyze the topic using your sources, focusing on the statement or question(s) raised in your introduction. Findings/conclusion: here you sum up the main points/findings of your paper. Point out whether your thesis proved right or wrong or answer the question(s) raised in your introduction.. Bibliography/Works Cited: here you add a list of the sources you have used.

Role of Interpol in global policing.

Instructions: A Project should be the original work of the student. Use at least 8 different references from books, journals, magazine articles, newspapers and on-line materials. Use APA or Chicago Style of Citation (available in the Portal). The paper should be min 5 pages long without the cover page and references. Paper must be formatted in MS word, Font New Times Roman 12, spaced 1.5. Papers must be saved in MS Word format and upload into the Portal. All papers will be checked for plagiarism FONT: Times New Roman or Arial 12, spacing 2 – refer to APA/Chicago writing style guidelines on a portal IMPORTANT! You should not use any information from Wikipedia, and/or list Wikipedia as a reference for your case study. https://youtu.be/-zag5H78-vw

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History of a homelessness policy. 2022 Best

History of a homelessness policy.

This assignment asks you to research the history of a homelessness policy. For this assignment, you will research the history of a social policy using materials such as newspapers, media broadcasts, published and unpublished writings. Aim for different 8-10 sources.

History of a homelessness policy.

(The Housing Act of 1937), using archives.  Paper details For this assignment, you will research the history of a social policy using materials such as newspapers, media broadcasts, published and unpublished writings. Aim for different 8-10 sources. The structure of the paper is the following: Introduction: What is the focus of this paper? What policy are you examining and why? How does it fit into the social policy course? Background: Describe the policy’s origins, how it came about, and its historical timeline.

History of a homelessness policy.

Comparative Analysis: How does this policy compare to others, either in US or in other countries? Assessment: Has the policy been effective? Based on the evidence, argue why or why not. Conclusion: Should it continue or not? How could it be better? Consider ways to improve or change the policy. Bibliography: Use APA or ASA or another standard academic citation format for references Back up your ideas by providing in-text citations too. (8-10 sources). https://youtu.be/GKiStp1Uy38

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Police Brutality among African Americans. 2022 Best

Police Brutality among African Americans.

This paper explores police Brutality among African Americans. Paper details After receiving approval from your instructor to research a topic of local concern, use the resources located on Canvas as well as your textbook to create an annotated bibliography of potential sources for your paper topic.

Police Brutality among African Americans.

Paper details After receiving approval from your instructor to research a topic of local concern, use the resources located on Canvas as well as your textbook to create an annotated bibliography of potential sources for your paper topic. Be sure to utilize full APA citations and annotations for six sources, at least four of them academic or scholarly. Your annotations should each be 150-200 words and accomplish the following: 1) Identify the central argument of the source. If the source is primarily informational, its argument might be implied rather than explicitly stated. 2) Identify the main type of evidence used to support the argument.

Police Brutality among African Americans.

3) Evaluate the quality of the argument by referencing types of reasoning (inductive, deductive, analogical), the use of concessions and qualifiers, and/or logical fallacies. 4) Identify and explain one important counterargument, concession, or qualifier within the source. 5) Discuss how the source will be used in your research paper (to advance your position, as an example of a counterargument/concession, etc). Do not plagiarize your annotations from article abstracts or from the source texts themselves. https://youtu.be/8RYdItBIuOU

Police Brutality among African Americans.

Assignments with plagiarized material will not receive a passing grade. Before your annotations, you must provide a working title, topic description, and working thesis for your research paper. An example with citations formatted in APA edition follows these instructions. No cover sheet is required. Use the heading as indicated on the example.

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The Great Irish Famine 2022 Best

The Great Irish Famine

This assignment focuses on the Great Irish Famine – The Experience of Emigrating Ireland via ‘Coffin Ships’. . The paper must show in depth research and include both primary and secondary sources (word count does NOT include footnotes!).

The Great Irish Famine

Provisional title: “Over 1 million people emigrated during the Great Irish Famine, many via ‘Coffin Ships’. Where did these people emigrate to, and what was the journey like for them?” This is a history research paper on the Great Irish Famine (1845-52). The paper must show in depth research and include both primary and secondary sources (word count does NOT include footnotes!). Please use Times New Roman font, size 12, double spaced.  Footnotes should be at the bottom of each page and should include: authors name, title, (location, date), page number. A bibliography of all used sources should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper.

The Great Irish Famine

Suggested breakdown of the paper: conditions in famine era Ireland/emigration figures; the process of boarding a ship, travels times, and costs; health and safety on crossings; the progress of reform associated with improving these standards (ie. the reform of the Passenger Acts); the experience of women and/or children on board coffin ships; the reception of coffin ships once they arrived at their destination (mainly the US). I have attached some preliminary suggested sources, including 4 primary sources, but much more in depth research is needed! Websites cannot be used as sources (maximum 1 if necessary), only books/articles/primary sources! https://youtu.be/0DK-GoVkRjw

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Modern poetry. 2022 Best

Modern poetry.

This assignment explores modern poetry. Firstly, specify several recurrent traits in Victorian and/or Romantic poetry that modernist poets felt they had to rebel against.

Modern poetry.

Literature 5; 2021/22 Choose ONE of the following questions from any section. Your essay must be 2500-3000 words in length (there is NO 10% rule). Please use the question as the TITLE of your essay. Please support your answer with quotations from the primary text[s] you are analyzing. A certain amount of research into the scholarship on your topic is necessary. Please use at the very least, FOUR secondary sources. Any fewer will negatively affect your grade. Secondary sources include monographs and articles in academic journals (both online and print), by academics, philosophers, theorists, and translators.

Modern poetry.

Brief references to dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and other source materials to document historical facts and other information that merely supports your argument should be considered separate from the four secondary sources. Please do not use Schmoop, Sparknotes, Gradesaver or any other quick fix. Do NOT quote from lectures or PowerPoints. The essay should be typed double-spaced in 12-point following MLA conventions with regard to footnotes (if used) and Bibliography/Works Cited. You should consider consulting the Oxford English Dictionary online for the historical meanings of keywords, and also the MLA International Bibliography to identify relevant secondary works.

Modern poetry.

Both the OED and the MLA bibliography are among the databases in the Digitale Bibliotheek of the UB. If in doubt about formatting issues, you should consult Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab for citation information at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ You might consider consulting the Oxford English Dictionary online for the historical meanings of keywords, and also the MLA International Bibliography to identify relevant secondary works You CANNOT complete the final essay on the same author as the group presentation UNLESS that author is considered alongside a second author (this is possible in section F below). https://youtu.be/-zlz35C0QBI

Modern poetry.

ESSAY QUESTIONS A: Modernist Poetry (Stevens and Bishop) 1) ‘Make it new’ (Pound). ‘It must be abstract’ (Stevens). ‘No ideas but in things’ (Williams). How do such manifesto pronouncements bear upon the formal and thematic properties of modern poetry? 2) Specify several recurrent traits in Victorian and/or Romantic poetry that modernist poets felt they had to rebel against. In what ways did they seek alternatives? Use the contrast to develop an essay on the Modernist project as a whole. 3) ‘No poet, no artist of any art, has his complete meaning alone. His significance, his appreciation is the appreciation of his relation to the dead poets and artists’ (T.S. Eliot).

Modern poetry.

Engaging with this quote, discuss the relationship between Modernism and tradition in the work of either Wallace Stevens or Elizabeth Bishop. 4) ‘Bishop lets us know that every detail is a boundary, not a Blakean microcosm’ (David Kalstone). Engaging with this quote, explore the significance of perspective in Elizabeth Bishop’s poetry. 5) ‘They were those that would have wept to step barefoot into reality.’ (‘Large Red Man Reading’, Wallace Stevens). Engaging with this quote, discuss the relation of Stevens’ poetry to questions of religious or aesthetic transcendence.


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Fall of the Incan Empire. 2022 Best

The Fall of the Incan Empire.

This assignment explore the Fall of the Incan Empire. Paper details: Write a short essay of 3-4 pages in length (single sided, double-spaced). Research the chosen topic using 2 to 3 secondary sources. Sources may include books, journal articles, newspapers, or scholarly websites.

The Fall of the Incan Empire.

Write a short essay of 3-4 pages in length (single sided, double-spaced). Research the chosen topic using 2 to 3 secondary sources. Sources may include books, journal articles, newspapers, or scholarly websites. Encyclopedias or websites intended for high school or elementary school students will not be accepted as sources. Slides or class lectures will not be accepted as sources. The use of unacceptable sources will result in significant point deductions. Sources should be listed in the bibliography and that bibliography will not be included in the page count.

The Fall of the Incan Empire.

Your essay should follow the Chicago style for formatting and citing sources. This means that citations should be provided in footnote or endnote formats. Inline citation format will not be accepted and the use of inline citation format will result in significant point deductions. Sources must be cited – papers that do not include citations will also result in significant point deductions. https://youtu.be/xPm8E-zWwsQ

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Bit coin is safe 2022 Best

Bit coin is safe

This paper explores whether Bit coin is safe and reliable.  The page requirement does not include the title page, or the bibliographical page, or end-note page.

Bit coin is safe

Paper details Term paper shall be 10-12 pages in length (double spaced, standard font). The page requirement does not include the title page, or the bibliographical page, or end-note page. There are a number of standard methods for acceptable formats in regards to footnoting and bibliography, any one of which is suitable. The most important element here is to cite carefully and accurately, with sincere regard for attribution. The topic of the paper is by personal preference. This means that any topic within associated within the domain of computer technology is acceptable.

Bit coin is safe

The paper is to be both a research paper, and a position paper. that is one needs to take a stand on a particular issue and not just describe the parameters of the issue. Rather one needs to take of firm stand, and make a case for the view being expressed. Thus the conclusion will be a result of presenting the relevant information, the ethical argument, and arriving at a convincing conclusion. Technical tips: Avoid the sands of time introduction, and move directly to the issue at hand. Have a strong opening thesis statement affirming what the paper is going to show.

Bit coin is safe

Make judicious use of examples: in a paper of this length one or two substantive examples should suffice. Avoid the use of contemporary jargon. Assume your reader has little or no information about the topic. Explain any technical terms, or acronyms. Use at least three outside sources https://youtu.be/2OIO5wBoQlQ

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The Cask of Amontillado – 2022 Best

The Cask of Amontillado

Foe this assignment we will focus on The Cask of Amontillado. The Research Paper will be an in-depth analysis and critique of any one of the works of literature read for this class this semester and found in the textbook.

The Cask of Amontillado

Edgar Allen Poe “The Cask of Amontillado” Paper details Refer to the Research Project Module for details about the research essay. Choose your own topic considering the following guidelines. The Research Paper will be an in-depth analysis and critique of any one of the works of literature read for this class this semester and found in the textbook. The best papers will offer an interesting, fresh critical perspective on one or more specific aspect of a work we read this semester. It is essential to focus your analysis with a stated academic thesis.

Offer your opinion about the literary work and then prove it by supporting your idea with literary criticism. A list of works will be provided. Students must select a work from the list below.

The Cask of Amontillado

Students will conduct research on this work and use at least four (4) outside sources in the paper. At least two (2) of the sources must come from the Harford Community College Library databases. Students will build upon the research and topic established by the Annotated Bibliography (Paper 4). Choose your singular focus from the lists of stories, plays, and poems found in the first three assignments. The paper must be about AT LEAST six full pages in length (double spaced), not including the Work Cited Page. It should not exceed ten pages.

The Cask of Amontillado

Papers should not have a cover sheet, but should be formatted in MLA style, including accurate in-text and Works Cited citations. This assignment is asking your to put together a larger paper that includes multiple academic sources plus the primary source literature. Don’t panic: with the skills you’re already developing from this class and its prerequisite courses the paper shouldn’t be a problem… if you manage time effectively, plan ahead, and ask for help when you need it.  https://youtu.be/_fhExYkBl4Y

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