Practical Book Review. 2022 Best

This assignment involves carrying out a Practical Book Review. A PBR is a way of responding to readings that requires the learner to interact with new ideas and techniques on several levels.
Practical Book Review.
PRACTICAL BOOK REVIEW ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW A Practical Book Review (PBR) is a way of responding to readings that requires the learner to interact with new ideas and techniques on several levels. Your Practical Book Review Assignment can be accomplished by thinking of four action words: Summarize, Respond, Reflect, and Act. Use the following headings and details to satisfactorily complete the review. INSTRUCTIONS Your grade on this assignment depends on the manner in which you address each of the four dimensions (see content on required assignment sections below) in graduate level fashion and according to the appropriate research writing guidelines of this class.
Practical Book Review.
A Title Page should be constructed according to current APA standards or Turabian form. Do not include an Abstract, Introduction, or Conclusion. You must use the headings provided as your main headings and any sub-headers deemed necessary. Develop the intended discussions early on rather than at the end of the sections. The body of this paper should be at least 4 pages. Each section should include at least 1 full page of content. Provide the book’s reference information on a References page or Bibliography page according to current APA standards or Turabian form.
Practical Book Review.
This means you need to be aware of how and when you use periods, spacing, italics, capitalization style, edition, and proper source citations. Do not simply “copy and paste” the reference from an electronic source. Always construct the required reference entry or you may lose points for repeated mistakes. Make sure to correctly format the file name of the doc./docx. document and avoid losing easy points. For example, if Aner Odell Kruiser submits a Practical Book Review of the Petersen text, she (not you) would save the .doc or .docx file as: PACO500_PBR_Petersen+AOK. Do not use text, pages. or pdf. files.
Practical Book Review.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. REQUIRED PRACTICAL BOOK REVIEW ASSIGNMENT SECTIONS SUMMARIZE! In your own words, summarize what you have read by boiling down the book into a brief summary (1–2 pages). Do not copy and paste from the text, a website, student sample, or from a previous Practical Book Review – this is plagiarism! Prove that you comprehend the material by writing a brief, comprehensive summary. SUMMARIZE! is not a commentary with reflection or a rehearsing of the text’s Table of Contents; rather, it is a gut-level, insightful “précis” of the longer, more highly crafted book.
Practical Book Review.
Bottom line?! Provide a clear overview of the material, and in the closing transition, pitch a convincing “So What?!” to the reader. The “So-What?!” qualifier introduces the central point with an appeal for application. Be clear and concise regarding a central point that makes it a good-read. In short, use the “So-What?!” phrase as you point out to the reader “Why s/he should care?!”enough to apply this point to his or her life. Short quotations are acceptable, but they should not be more than 1–2 sentences. Direct quotations, paraphrases, and core notes must be properly cited. Do not reference any other source PACO 500 Page 2 of 3 in your summary.
Practical Book Review.
This summary is only about the assigned text. Do not use first or second person; be a reporter and give clear, concise facts. RESPOND! What parts of this book are about your growth and development in the midst of relationships? You will remember almost nothing you have read unless you make this critical, personal connection. Relate at least 1 personal life episode that a specific part of the of the text triggered in your memory (i.e., cite accordingly).
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