Tag Archives: hypothesis
Online learning and productivity. 2022 Best
This assignment involves writing a report about online learning, stress, and productivity. The goal of writing a research report is to inform and persuade the reader about the research. A critical part of the writing is to provide the reader with a clear summary of what was done in the research.
Online learning stress and productivity.
This paper is for the methods sections of the research paper. Please use this description as a guide along with the files uploaded for you to obtain the correct information for this methods section. METHODS: The goal of writing a research report is to inform and persuade the reader about the research. A critical part of the writing is to provide the reader with a clear summary of what was done in the research. Your Methods section should include all the subsections of the Method section (e.g., intro/design, participants, instrument, and procedure). Make sure that you clearly identify your variables and how you measured them.
Online learning stress and productivity.
The entire document should be about 2-3 pages long typed with double spacing and should follow the APA style guidelines. Methodology Section Assignment Outline: Checklist for what to include for this assignment: 1) Design a. Describe and explain your design. Why did you choose that design? Is it experimental, non-experimental, comparative, correlational? Give as many details as you can. b. List all variables of interest to your study. Identify your independent variable (IV) and/or dependent variable(s) (DV). Give your variables clear, meaningful names so that your readers are not confused.
Online learning stress and productivity.
Write out the operational definitions for each variable you are measuring. 2) Participants a. Demographics: Estimated Numbers (make up numbers or use a placeholder, when we get the data in you can add in the real values) be sure to include: • Total Sample Size • Gender – counts and percentages for each group • Age range – lowest to highest number, mean/average age and SD for age • Ethnicity/Race – percentages & counts for each group • Other educational demographic variables: GPA, student type, etc. (anything else related to describing your sample) b. Where were the participants recruited?
Online learning, stress, and productivity.
How were they recruited? c. What sampling method was used? d. What demographic variables were measured? 3) Instrumentation a. What survey did you use? What does it look like – give details such as the number of questions, response scale, instructions, etc. b. How was it developed? Give details on how your questions were developed. c. What steps did you follow to increase validity and reliability? 4) Procedure a. Include a step-by-step listing in chronological order of what participants will do/did during the study. Be as detailed as possible so your readers will know exactly how you collected your data.
Online learning stress and productivity.
2) Design: A. Correlational Design– testing for a relationship between two variables 3) Variables & Operational Definitions: Which variables will you measure based on your design? Experience in Online Courses – The overall measure of a student’s experience with their online courses. A high number would be a very good experience for a student and a low number would be a very bad experience in their online courses. & Overall Stress – The overall measure of a student’s Stress.
Online learning stress and productivity.
A high number would be more/lots of stress and a low number would be less/little stress. 4) Research Question: Is there a negative relationship between experience in online courses and overall stress? 5) Hypothesis: It is hypothesized that there will be a significant increase in students overall stress levels as the quality of a student’s experience in their online courses decreases. Specifically, it is expected that students that have a bad experience in their online courses will have higher stress levels and those that have a good experience will have lower stress levels. https://youtu.be/MufX4ufFcaw
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Electronic medical records 2022 best
This paper explores the adoption and Implementation of Electronic medical records (EMR) and Electronic health records (EHR). 1. An introduction to what will be covered in the chapter Describe what the reader will encounter in the Results Chapter.
Electronic medical records
Results and Discussion. Paper details This chapter needs to include (use the bolded items as main headings for the Chapter): 1. An introduction to what will be covered in the chapter Describe what the reader will encounter in the Results Chapter. 2. A description of each of the findings of the study (use a subheading for each finding). Use tables, graphs, or figures to detail the results of the data analysis. 3. Remember this is only a description of the results, no interpretation or meaning should be included here.
Electronic medical records
4. Restate the Hypothesis section presented in the Chapter 1: Introduction 5. A conclusion or summary that summarizes what was presented in the chapter and transitions to chapter five conclusions and recommendations. ***In condensed fashion tell the reader in order of hypothesis what results met the hypothesis or the null hypothesis. Prompt For this assignment, you will generate the results chapter within the final report. . Research topic is “Adoption and Implementation of EMR’s/EHR’s”. https://youtu.be/lmtAzbpI6_Y
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Event Management Industry in India 2022 Best
This assignment involves drafting a poster on the effect of pandemic on the Event Management Industry in India and what are the various ways it can recover in future.
Event Management Industry in India
Paper details – This is a poster for Dissertation. A poster in A3 Size with enough charts and picture to substantiate the topic and literature. Word count and number of charts should be decided by the writer. The virtual “poster” must contain the following: – Title – Research problem – Research Question / hypothesis / Research aim and objectives – Key literature (no more than three papers)
Event Management Industry in India
Probable methodology – Expected approach to analysis – Ethics – References Marking criteria for poster: – Poster clearly describes the topic including motivation and justification of the problem to be solved. – Identification of suitable research question. – Methodology – Theory and evidence from literature – Consideration of ethics – Approach to analysis of data. https://youtu.be/L0pPM9Vvuk8
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Weaker Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. 2022 Best
In this linguistics assignment we will focus on the Weaker Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Imagine that somebody you know firmly believes that the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is correct.
Weaker Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.
Paper details In this assignment you will engage with the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Imagine that somebody you know firmly believes that the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is correct. Your job is to convince this person that the weaker version of the hypothesis better explains the relationship between language, thought and culture. Your essay should be 3-4 pages (double spaced) and should be structured as follows: 1) Introduction: In 1 paragraph, define the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. You should explain both the strong and weak versions of the hypothesis, giving at least one illustration / example of each.
Weaker Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.
At the end of the paragraph, include a thesis statement where you explicitly state your position. (5 points) 2) 3 body paragraphs: Argue that the weaker version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is a more accurate representation of the relationship between language, culture and thought than the stronger version. To support your argument, list and analyze 3 examples (1 per paragraph) of specific languages or linguistic phenomena that we have seen in class or from your own experiences as a language speaker and/or learner. Here, you may use examples from your daily life and/or draw from class readings, lectures, and asynchronous content.
Weaker Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to: cognitive effects, bilingualism, colors, semantic domains/vocabulary (e.g. “Eskimo” words for snow), spatial referencing, grammatical gender, etc. (5 points / example = 15 points) **Note on citation** In your essay, you should mention where you are drawing your examples from. You should mention the actual source from which this information is obtained. For instance, if you use examples from readings or asynchronous content, you could cite them as follows: “Lera Boroditsky’s TedTalk ‘How language shapes the way we think’ illustrates that…”, “In an experiment conducted by Bice & Kroll (2019), they found that…” “As discussed in the Lingthusiasm podcast ‘Talking and thinking about time…”
Weaker Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.
3) Conclusion: 1 brief paragraph summing up your points and providing a concluding takeaway point. (3 points) 4) References: Add a list of APA-formatted references, ordered alphabetically by author’s last name. (2 points) Assessment: Your essay will be evaluated on the degree to which you: -Accurately define, describe and provide examples of the two versions of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis -Demonstrate your ability to bring examples from other sources to construct a coherent argument -Provide accurate citations for the evidence you use to make your arguments -Provide a coherent narrative or structure (as suggested above) for your essay. https://youtu.be/NAy-qkRP-vo
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Effects of social media. 2022 Best
This paper explores the effects of social media. The purpose of this research project was to teach you the entire process of conducting a thorough literature review,
Effects of social media.
The purpose of this research project was to teach you the entire process of conducting a thorough literature review, crafting a hypothesis based on a reading of that literature, designing an experiment to test that hypothesis, analyzing the data, and discussing how those data support or refute what we know about our research topic. In short, this assignment was designed to teach you how to be a researcher. In class we have discussed the background for our study and by the time you finish this paper you will have read at least four (ideally man y more) research articles related to y our study . As a class we designed our study and collected our data.
Effects of social media.
Those data have now been analyzed and discussed in the classroom and it is time to put together a formal report on these findings. Thankfully, you have already written most of the background and proposed method for this study. As such, the first job you have is to make changes, corrections, and revisions to the Introduction and Method section (and any other sections) of your graded Research Proposal . You will be turning this in, along with the grade sheet, with your Final Research Paper. The next step is to report your findings, evaluate both their impact as well as the generalizability and limitations of your study, and make plans for future research directions that follow from these data.
Effects of social media.
The assignment: Complete the second research article analysis assignment on relevant articles of your choosing. Make revisions, corrections, changes to your Research Proposal. Write an APA style Results section describing the pattern of effects we observed in our data. Remember this requires a graphical form (you are required to create both a Table and a Figure and to include these in the Appendix), a statistical form (reporting the results of hypothesis tests) , and narrative form (describing the patterns in plain English). Write a thorough Discussion that addresses the importance of the findings, their relevance to existing theory discussed in the Introduction, and potential limitations of the research design, participants, etc.
Effects of social media.
The Discussion (and possibly your Introduction) should include reference to research that you have found in your second article analyses as well as independent research. Turn in a Final Research Paper with Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, References, and Appendix (with at least one Table and at least one Figure). Collect a full set of data from at least 8 participants. Collected more? Extra credit is likely. More Details. No specific page requirement maximum but as a guideline, 12 – 16 pages of written text is a good target length (that does not include title page , abstract, or references). https://youtu.be/wNYRkLdj_OY
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Interpersonal Skills in Healthcare 2022 Best
This assignment focuses on interpersonal Skills in Healthcare Practice. Course Outcomes: HS290-4: Execute administrative skills and management processes within the interdisciplinary health care.
Interpersonal Skills in Healthcare
Assignment 6 Competency: Interpersonal Skills and Healthcare Practice. Course Outcomes: HS290-4: Execute administrative skills and management processes within the interdisciplinary health care. Before you begin your Assignment, watch a brief introduction video. Be sure to adjust your audio settings. Video Link: https://kapextmediassl-a.akamaihd.net/healthSci/media/HS290/HS290_1801C/InterpersonalSkills/index.html Part 1: Analyze the interpersonal skills used in a healthcare situation. Dramatize a professional, interpersonal experience to illustrate four points regarding interpersonal skills.
Interpersonal Skills in Healthcare
An actual or hypothetical situation may be used as an example. Any actual situation should be presented as a hypothetical one, with any names and other identifying information changed to protect anonymity. Identify (a) if the situation is with a patient or a colleague, (b) the various interpersonal skills used, (c) how the skills used either positively or negatively contributed to the situation, (d) how the skills might have been improved and/or anticipated results of the improvement, to contribute to both the art and science of healthcare practice. Part 2: Create an experiment to solve an interpersonal skill problem.
Interpersonal Skills in Healthcare
Write a testable hypothesis, identify an appropriate experimental control group, and create an experimental design to solve a problem. Identify one specific interpersonal skill problem related to health care (examples: language barriers between clinicians and patients, cultural differences). Suppose you wanted to design a scientific study to investigate this problem. Identify the following components of the study: hypothesis, control group, and experimental design. Discuss the obstacles that might exist to using a scientific approach in this kind of investigation. If you need additional help with designing your experiment, view the file “Research Process Overview” found in Course Documents.
Interpersonal Skills in Healthcare.
Requirements The following requirements apply to this assignment: 2–4 pages in length, excluding any title page, references, appendices, etc. Logical flow from beginning to end to exhibit well-ordered and unified expression, with your viewpoint and purpose clearly established and sustained throughout the document. Original and insightful thought. Seamlessly integrate research to support your ideas on the topic. Adherence to established conventions of Standard English, e.g., correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Adherence to APA formatting Inclusion of a title page. Inclusion of a reference page, as appropriate. https://youtu.be/oTJs5LJ4YKU
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Evolution of Hominin Height. 2022 Best
This paper focuses on correlating the Evolution of Hominin Height. Paper details this is lab work with Excel. And there are details: STEPS: 1) Carefully read the worksheet LaetoliFootprints-Handout.pdf 2) Review the figure of the footprints, noting the legend components of the species or different footprints.
Evolution of Hominin Height.
Paper details this is lab work with Excel. And there are details: STEPS: 1) Carefully read the worksheet LaetoliFootprints-Handout.pdf 2) Review the figure of the footprints, noting the legend components of the species or different footprints. There are names, shapes, and colors from the map. 3) Develop a simple hypothesis to test from a set of data points (e.g., if you randomly select 10 samples across all the data you could hypothesize “Hominin height increases overtime” or if you selected only the data for A. Africanus you could state “The height of A.
Evolution of Hominin Height.
Africanus varies by sex”, *note you will have to jitter (change the value slightly) the age data to do this. Get creative, there is no strictly right or wrong analysis here but you should consider the basics of a good analysis (adequate sample size, good coverage of data points, etc). 4) Create a scatterplot of your data points. Make sure to scale the x and y axes appropriately (i.e., if you only select data that ranges from 2.5 to 2 million years don’t have your x-axis start at 4 million years). You can draw by hand or use a spreadsheet or create your own.
Evolution of Hominin Height.
5) Calculate the correlation coefficient from your data and report on the sheet. This can be done manually (see the spreadsheet for the formula), on a calculator, online, or with the spreadsheet via google drive (Links to an external site.) or download here download. There are instructions for the spreadsheet Lab 3 Instructions.pdf. I have uploaded our course PowerPoint and download file from the details, and there is the spreadsheet link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ELusov1wDRliTp2DUSPi7e1Inm3ZcnRe/edit#gid=2024961466 Make a copy file from this link to complete the work. https://youtu.be/SGxDv7XybSo
Evolution of Hominin Height.
Also, there is an instruction video from my teacher https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x50Fp86iRUWPADfiDZ3vY2eGv521wR84/view?usp=sharing
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Beloved Community. 2022 Best
The Empowerment of the African American Male in the Martin Luther King beloved Community. For this assignment, you will perform preliminary and investigative research for your Theological Foundations Paper.
Beloved Community.
#9 Choose: Interdisciplinary subject or concept for Foundations paper (In preparation for writing Precis) end of semester In conversation with the Faculty Mentor(s), Faculty Consultant, and peer colleagues in the Focus Group Sessions you will examine disciplines that intersect with and inform the them and hypothesis of your DMin project in order to choose the one best suited to your project. Once this discipline has been chosen and approved, any changes will require approval by the Faculty Mentor(s). #10 Prepare: Précis for Theological and Interdisciplinary Papers Due at seminar in intensive week of Semester III Theological Foundation Précis.
Beloved Community.
For this assignment, you will perform preliminary and investigative research for your Theological Foundations Paper. On the basis of this research, you will write a précis, or a brief summary, of the information and concepts you expect to develop in your Theological Foundations Paper. You will present this précis orally to a small group of DMin peers at the Theological Foundations Seminar and receive the group’s feedback. Steps in Preparing Your Précis: · Review the exegetical conclusions you developed on the basis of your chosen passage(s) in your Biblical Foundations Paper. Reflect on how these conclusions point toward a theological theme or movement that would inform your DMin Project.
Beloved Community.
Review the conclusions you developed on the basis of your chosen historical figure, era, or movement in your Historical Foundations Paper. Reflect how these conclusions point toward a theological theme or movement that would inform your DMin Project. · Do a preliminary search for theological themes or movements that relate to the theme of your DMin Project. · Form a list of 2-4 possible classical and/or recent theological themes or movements that support or oppose your hypothesis. · In consultation with your faculty mentor(s) and consultant, select 1-2 of the theological theme(s) or movement(s) to develop in this précis and, ultimately, in your Theological Foundations Paper.
Beloved Community.
Using the most relevant and recent sources, form a selective bibliography of five scholarly writings that examine your chosen theological theme(s) or movement(s). Use these sources to inform your précis and to build the bibliography. · Complete the précis. · Email your précis to your faculty mentor(s) and consultant. · Print and bring 11 hard copies of your précis to the seminar to share with a small group of peers and the seminar facilitator. Content of Your Précis: · In less than 30 words, explain the theme and hypothesis that your DMin Project will develop. · In 500-700 words, describe the theological theme or movement that your Theological Foundations paper will examine and engage.
Beloved Community.
In less than 70 words, explain how this theological study relates to or informs your DMin Project. · Provide the full bibliographic information for at least 5 recent and relevant scholarly sources that you expect to use in your research and writing. · After each bibliography entry, provide a 50 word explanation of why this resource will be valuable in your exploration of the theological theme(s) or movement(s) you have chosen. Interdisciplinary Foundation Précis For this assignment, you will perform preliminary and investigative research for your Interdisciplinary Foundations Paper.
Beloved Community.
On the basis of this research, you will write a précis, or a brief summary, of the information and concepts you expect to develop in your Interdisciplinary Foundations Paper. You will present this précis orally to a small group of DMin peers at the Interdisciplinary Foundations Seminar and receive the group’s feedback. Steps in Preparing Your Précis: · Do a preliminary internet search on a discipline (from the list of suggested disciplinary fields) that intersects with and informs the theme and hypothesis of your DMin Project. · In consultation with your faculty mentor(s) and consultant, finalize your choice of 1 discipline outside of religious studies to consider in more depth. https://youtu.be/IeCzzRY_RI8