The role of operations management 2022 Best

This paper asks you to analyze the role of operations management in organizational performance. Scenario In your role as a Business Process Consultant at Bryce-Kingston, you are writing business case for JBH Electronics (JBH) in preparation for their upcoming shareholder meeting to vote on a future acquisition.
The role of operations management
Competency Analyze the role of operations management in organizational performance. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane. Scenario In your role as a Business Process Consultant at Bryce-Kingston, you are writing business case for JBH Electronics (JBH) in preparation for their upcoming shareholder meeting to vote on a future acquisition. The Executive team from JBH wants to ensure that they have a perspective on what other companies in the electronics industry are using as best practices for operations management and organizational performance processes.
The role of operations management
Instructions You will create a business case outlining how JBH could increase organizational performance using industry best practices in operations management. Conduct research on the best practices for using operations management in organizational performance measurements and include the following in the business case: Determine what are some industry best practices using in operational performance. Outline how JBH could use operations management to streamline their performance.
The role of operations management
Determine what operational measurements JBH can use to measure performance. Provide your recommendation from your research on best practices for operations management and organizational performance to support JBH Electronics success. Provide attribution for credible sources.
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