Prehistoric people, abstract thought, art, and spirituality.
This task explores whether prehistoric people were capable of abstract thought, art, and spirituality. Here are some links, including discoveries in 2002 and 2003 and 2014.
Prehistoric people, abstract thought, art, and spirituality.
Book: Matthews, Platt, and Noble (2014). Experience Humanities Volume 1: Beginnings Through the Renaissance. (8th Edition). McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. 1 9780077494704. Chapter 1 – Prehistory and the Rise of Civilization in the Near East and Egypt Chapter 2 – The Aegean: the Minoans, the Mycenaeans, and the Greeks of the Archaic Age. WEB Activities Investigate the cave paintings of Lascaux, France or Altamira, Spain or the not so familiar Leang Timpuseng, Sulawesi, Borneo, which has been noted, most recently (Nat. Geo, 2014) , to be the oldest example of Upper Paleolithic cave art. So, as part of your discussion, consider this question: Do you think prehistoric individuals were capable of abstract thought, art, and spirituality? Here are some links, including discoveries in 2002 and 2003 and 2014.
Prehistoric people, abstract thought, art, and spirituality. Firstly, response to this question should be 2-3 pages. Secondly, responses must be complete, using terminology and concepts from the primary textbook as well as supplementary resources. Thirdly, each paragraph should be written in complete sentences with attention paid to good grammar and spelling. Also, please double-space, use 12 point font, with one inch margins and be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format. Finally, remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors.
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