Equality in healthcare: People with mental illness
Equality healthcare should be for all. Its evident that people with mental illness are currently not enjoying ‘equity of access’ to quality health care. This is a critical reflection which critiques the ‘Equally Well’ campaign. Equally Well is an initiative from whose aim is to promote and support collaborative action to improve physical health among people who are mentally ill. The governments have noted that the healthcare system needs to have equity of access. That is , quality health care is easily accessible and equally distributed amongst all citizen despite their status. Mostly the poor and mentally challenged people are unable to access quality healthcare services.
Factors that contribute to poor physical health in people diagnosed with mental illness
According to the literature review there are many determinants of health and wellbeing. Other than access to health care, there are factors which contribute to poor physical health in people with mental illness. For example, nutrition, exercise-based interventions etc. Pharmacological treatments should be provided to people who are with mentally ill to promote equality in healthcare.
‘Equity of access’ to quality of health care: Equality in healthcare
Outstandingly written conclusion. Presentation of arguments & evidence that people with mental illness do not enjoy ‘equity of access’ to quality of health care. Describe the key arguments in equity of access. Erudite description of key hypothesized concepts, For example,. diagnostic overshadowing. Further, extant evidence of inequitable access outlined across a range of health care settings. Outline factors other than access to health care which may contribute to poor physical health in people diagnosed with mental illness . That is, both logic and empirical data are presented in support of arguments for specific determinants of health. That is determinants contributing to poor physical health in people with mental illness. An understanding of the intertwined etiology of physical, mental and social problems is clearly articulate.
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