Early authors: Bradford, Smith, Winthrop Native Americans.
This paper explores the similarities and differences in the ways two of the early authors (Bradford, Smith, Winthrop) present Native Americans. Is one more sympathetic than the other?
Early authors: Bradford, Smith, Winthrop Native Americans.
AMERICAN LITERATURE 251 ESSAY ASSIGNMENT I: TOPIC: Choose one or more of the selections from your text and answer one of the following questions in an essay format. DO NOT offer a summary of the selection; any discussion of the plot or information imparted should actually come in the form of an example used to illustrate some observation that you have previously expressed in your analysis. Option 1: Discuss the similarities and differences in the ways two of the early authors (Bradford, Smith, Winthrop) present Native Americans. Is one more sympathetic than the other? Give examples to illustrate your points.
Early authors: Bradford, Smith, Winthrop Native Americans.
Option 2: Compare the poetry of Bradstreet and Taylor. What does each writer primarily focus on in her/his work? How does that focus determine the imagery and tone of each writer’s work? Use specific examples for illustration.
Option 3: Discuss the intensity of faith and expression shown in the work of Jonathan Edwards and one of the following writers: Bradford, Mather, Taylor, or Bradstreet. Option 4: Discuss the similarities and differences in the ways two of the early authors use Nature to reveal character and/or important messages in their work.
Early authors: Bradford, Smith, Winthrop Native Americans.
FORMAT: The final draft should be 400 – 600 words, double spaced (or every other line skipped), and stapled. You may type it if you wish. You also need to give it an interesting and appropriate title (Essay 1 does not qualify on any level). It must also be written in ink. SOURCES: Do not use outside sources other than your notes or handouts; the only other source you should use, other than your own thoughts, is your book, which must be cited using MLA format. AUDIENCE: Your classmates will serve as your audience… So you do not need to summarize the information contained in the selection(s) about which you have chosen to write.
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