Cross cultural film analysis – 2022 Best

In this cross cultural film analysis task we will use the critical approach to examine course concepts such as identity, language, non-verbal codes, cultural adaptation and/or intercultural relationships through cross-cultural film.
Cross cultural film analysis
Paper details use the critical approach to examine course concepts such as identity, language, non-verbal codes, cultural adaptation and/or intercultural relationships through cross-cultural film. You will select and watch a film that features intercultural relationships and topics. Guidelines The goal of this short paper is to use the critical approach to examine course concepts such as identity, language, non-verbal codes, cultural adaptation and/or intercultural relationships through cross-cultural film. You will select and watch a film that features intercultural relationships and topics.
Cross cultural film analysis
For this assignment, you will: Select and watch any one film from the list below, or another cross-cultural film of your choice that you can easily access (please ask if you’d like other recommendations; do not select the assigned films. In My Country or Just Mercy – or the film described in the example below – Gran Torino). Analyze and interpret that film from an intercultural communication research perspective. Using at least two relevant theories and/or concepts from the course (paying special attention to chapters 5-10). The selected concepts should be specific and not too general.
Cross cultural film analysis
“Nonverbal communication” is too vague to serve as a concept for this paper; instead, focus on a specific aspect of nonverbal communication, like proxemics or chronemics. “Verbal communication” is too vague, but co-cultural communication theory or code switching would be appropriate course concepts. “Identity” is too general, but minority identity development is suitable. “Migration” is general, but a specific type of migrant-host relationship would be appropriate. Locate and use two scholarly sources (scholarly journal article or scholarly book chapter) – the textbook does not count.
Cross cultural film analysis
The scholarly sources should be related to the selected course concepts – one source per primary course concept. The assigned scholarly readings are also excellent to cite, but they will not count. The point is for you to do research on concepts that interest you, and to use the sources you find to help you develop a deeper understanding of the selected course concepts. If the sources also happen to discuss the film you’re analyzing, that’s great, but do not search for scholarly sources on the film.
Cross cultural film analysis
Use keywords to search for scholarly sources on your concepts. You may refer to and cite the textbook and assigned scholarly readings. But those citations will not count towards the two scholarly sources you are assigned to locate and use for the film analysis. Identify and describe macro-contexts and power relations depicted in the film.
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