Tag Archives: language

Data-Driven Decision Making 2022 Best

Data-Driven Decision Making

This assignment focuses on data-driven decision making. Part A: 1. Provide a summary of the article you have chosen by identifying the purpose and what real-world problem it is addressing/trying to solve.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Conference Application: Data-Driven Decision Making Name: Title of Presentation: Title of Article (include name of publication and publishing date): Link to the Article (URL): Part A: 1. Provide a summary of the article you have chosen by identifying the purpose and what real-world problem it is addressing/trying to solve. Include the following information: (Bulleted format, as shown below, is acceptable). · Topic (what real world problem does this study address?) · Date of publication/study. · Author/Researchers. · Audience for the article. · Why the article was written. 2. Explain which category(s) of descriptive statistics is used in the study and how it is used to communicate the information found in the study and/or any conclusions/solutions posed (1–2 paragraphs).

Data-Driven Decision Making

Make sure to clearly connect your explanation to the purpose/real world problem the article is addressing. 3. Describe several connections, using specific examples, between the information presented/the problem and its larger impact to the world/your major/current job/future career goal. (1–2 paragraphs). 4. Recommend several highly relevant and valid solutions based on the mathematical and visual data provided in the article. Part B: An additional part of the application process requires you to create a presentation based on the information provided above. To do so, choose an audience (outside of the field of mathematics) that could benefit from the information you will present: 1. Create one visualization of the data appropriate for the conference audience (1 slide). https://youtu.be/dCK6e8EDVNQ

Data-Driven Decision Making

Make sure that your visualization includes appropriate titles, labels, colors, and text. Note: If the article already contains a visual, you must create a different type of graph or chart. 2. Explain how the audience can benefit from the data (1 slide). 3. Recommend your identified solutions using language appropriate for the audience. In the notes section of your final slide, answer the following questions in 1–2 paragraphs: 1. Explain why you chose the audience you identified above. 2. Describe how the language, purpose, and visuals used in the presentation are appropriate for the audience.

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Mirabella autobiographical essay 2022 Best

Mirabella autobiographical essay

The goal of this essay is to compare and contrast Mirabella autobiographical essay with De Rosa’s speech.  In Weeks 9-10, you read Helen Barolini’s essay, “Italian American Women’s Writing” and the autobiographical pieces by M. Bella Mirabella and Tina De Rosa.

Mirabella autobiographical essay

In Weeks 9-10, you read Helen Barolini’s essay, “Italian American Women’s Writing” and the autobiographical pieces by M. Bella Mirabella and Tina De Rosa. The experiences of these women writers were quite similar in many ways. For example, they grew up surrounded by italianita. They experienced conflicts common to the second generation who were torn between two cultures. They became educated and fought against stereotypes. In other ways, their experiences were very different. Your task for this essay is to compare and contrast Mirabella’s autobiographical essay with De Rosa’s speech. You may discuss what they have in common and/or how they differ.

Mirabella autobiographical essay

You may discuss how they reflect second and/or third generation Italian American experience. You may refer to earlier material to discuss specific themes, ideas, or display of italianità. You are required to refer to Helen Barolini with at least one quotation or detail from her essay. Use your Discussion Boards and other material to explore this topic. Notice that I use the term “explore.” Please look at this as an exploration; your essay should be filled with your observations and discoveries. You may also use what you have learned this semester so far. Since you have already identified what Helen Barolini notes as characteristic of Italian American women’s writing in Week 9, you should begin there.

Mirabella autobiographical essay

You can see if those characteristics are present in the stories. You can even use Barolini as a framework for your discussion and include her in your introduction. Steps to Completing this Essay 1. First, re-read the essay by Helen Barolini and make notes that may be useful for your essay. (it may give you ideas for a focus) 2. Then, re-read the autobiographical pieces by Mirabella and De Rosa. Note what is common in their experiences. List the subjects/ topics they write about. Or make a list of your observations on their literary techniques, use of figurative and Italian language, etc. 3. Figure out your focus. What did you notice?

Mirabella autobiographical essay

4. Complete a draft of your essay (see below) The Essay In your introduction, make sure you have a clear thesis statement that informs readers of your focus. You may want to include a discussion of the topic in general. In your body, first describe what you found in common and/or what you found different, then follow with supporting examples. So, if you focus on “traditional expectations of women’s roles” first explain those roles, then give examples of where you see this in the texts. Don’t forget a conclusion and Works Cited list.   https://youtu.be/_g7tEftVpr0

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Cross cultural film analysis – 2022 Best

Cross cultural film analysis

In this cross cultural film analysis task we will use  the critical approach to examine course concepts such as identity, language, non-verbal codes, cultural adaptation and/or intercultural relationships through cross-cultural film.

Cross cultural film analysis

Paper details use the critical approach to examine course concepts such as identity, language, non-verbal codes, cultural adaptation and/or intercultural relationships through cross-cultural film. You will select and watch a film that features intercultural relationships and topics. Guidelines The goal of this short paper is to use the critical approach to examine course concepts such as identity, language, non-verbal codes, cultural adaptation and/or intercultural relationships through cross-cultural film. You will select and watch a film that features intercultural relationships and topics.

Cross cultural film analysis

For this assignment, you will: Select and watch any one film from the list below, or another cross-cultural film of your choice that you can easily access (please ask if you’d like other recommendations; do not select the assigned films. In My Country or Just Mercy – or the film described in the example below – Gran Torino).  Analyze and interpret that film from an intercultural communication research perspective. Using at least two relevant theories and/or concepts from the course (paying special attention to chapters 5-10). The selected concepts should be specific and not too general.

Cross cultural film analysis

“Nonverbal communication” is too vague to serve as a concept for this paper; instead, focus on a specific aspect of nonverbal communication, like proxemics or chronemics. “Verbal communication” is too vague, but co-cultural communication theory or code switching would be appropriate course concepts. “Identity” is too general, but minority identity development is suitable. “Migration” is general, but a specific type of migrant-host relationship would be appropriate. Locate and use two scholarly sources (scholarly journal article or scholarly book chapter) – the textbook does not count. https://youtu.be/XvjaIrYlkIg

Cross cultural film analysis

The scholarly sources should be related to the selected course concepts – one source per primary course concept. The assigned scholarly readings are also excellent to cite, but they will not count. The point is for you to do research on concepts that interest you, and to use the sources you find to help you develop a deeper understanding of the selected course concepts. If the sources also happen to discuss the film you’re analyzing, that’s great, but do not search for scholarly sources on the film.

Cross cultural film analysis

Use keywords to search for scholarly sources on your concepts. You may refer to and cite the textbook and assigned scholarly readings. But those citations will not count towards the two scholarly sources you are assigned to locate and use for the film analysis. Identify and describe macro-contexts and power relations depicted in the film.

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