Autism Spectrum Disorder – Study
This project requires research on Autism Spectrum disorder from a nurse practitioner or a nurse practitioner perspective.
The outlook for many individuals with autism spectrum disorder today is brighter than it was 50 years ago; more people with the condition are able to speak, read, and live in the community rather than in institutions, and some will be largely free from symptoms of the disorder by adulthood. Nevertheless, most individuals will not work full-time or live independently.
Choose a single diagnosis of interest to you from your presentation DSM5 category. Additionally, provide an in-depth analysis of the autism spectrum disorder, further expanding upon your presentation.
Autism spectrum disorder is diagnosed by clinicians based on signs and symptoms. Patients may also undergo testing according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-V, a guide created by the American Psychiatric Association used to diagnose mental disorders
Include the following in the autism disorder research
a. First, definition and history using the DSM5 criteria
c. Epidemiology
d. Etiology (biological, psychoanalytic, learning theory)
e. Tests (psychological, lab, brain imaging)
f. Differential Diagnoses
g. Both the Course and Prognosis
h. Psychopharmacology
i. Psychotherapy
j. Other treatments while including CAM
k. Discuss current research (last 5 years)
1. Paper length = approximately 10-12 pages.
2. References = at least six journal articles within the past five years.
3. To be posted on Moodle before April 15th. The faculty reserve the right to modify the syllabus thus allowing for changes in the course structure as events dictate. Subsequently, very effort will be made to notify students in a timely fashion.
Guidelines for Scholarly Paper (APA format)
Introductory paragraph(s) – In addition to introductory material, clearly and succinctly state the purpose of the paper,
how the purpose to be achieved. See APA. - Secondly, use subheadings to delineate sections of the paper. However, “introduction” does not have a subheading.
When using references, evaluate the author’s views. - Do not use direct quotes, they can however be used in exceptional cases.
- You may also use current referenced journals. Do not use websites as references unless it is a web-based journal.
- Limit the use of texts in references.
- Additionally, use primary sources.
- Use APA format (6th edition).
- Most importantly, proofread while being attentive to both grammar and spelling.
- Lastly, Number pages.
Include some if not all the following references and additional if needed
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.
*American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Desk Reference to the diagnostic criteria from DSM-5-TM.
Washington, D.C: American Psychiatric Publishing.
*First, M. (2014). DSM-5-TM handbook of differential diagnosis.
Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Publishing.
*Sadock, V., Sadock, B., & Ruiz, P. (2015). Synopsis of psychiatry: Behavioral sciences/clinical
psychiatry. (11th ed.) Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
*Sadock, B., & Sadock, V. (2010). Kaplan and Sadock’s pocket handbook of clinical psychiatry. (5TH
ed.) Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins