Transgender Health in People of Color
Transgender people are known to experience elevated rates of a number of negative health outcomes when compared to cisgender people. These include both mental and physical health outcomes.
TPOC have different experiences compared with white transgender or cisgender racial/ethnic minorities. Providers must improve understanding of intersectional experiences of TPOC to improve quality of care.
Health Inequities
For instance, the US Transgender Survey (USTS), a 2015 nationwide survey with 27,715 transgender respondents, illuminates important health inequities. For example, black transgender women reported higher HIV prevalence rates compared with the overall transgender sample, and TPOC reported higher rates of attempted suicide and lack of health insurance.2 While the USTS offers write-in responses, it mostly comprises closed-ended questions that limit exploration of how healthcare experiences of TPOC impact their health outcomes.
In the United States, individuals who are part of minority groups often experience health disparities. These disparities can be even more profound for individuals with intersectional identities who are part of multiple minority groups. Transgender people of color, for example, are at risk of a number of negative health outcomes in comparison to their white transgender, or people of color cisgender, counterparts.
This reflects discrimination and stigma against transgender people of color as well as longstanding systematic inequities that affect their health care access.
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