The effect of GDP 2022 Best

This paper explores the effect of GDP (C+G+I+(x-m)) on stock investment. The paper basically measures the affect of changes in GDP components on the choice of wealth allocation in different stocks (medical, military, technological, importing and exporting firms)
The effect of GDP
Please include a literature review as well as an introduction for the research paper. The paper basically measures the affect of changes in GDP components on the choice of wealth allocation in different stocks (medical, military, technological, importing and exporting firms). Please base the literature review as well as the introduction on that. Thank you. The Sources are required for the literature review. Help on what a Literature review is: 1.Narrow your topic and select papers accordingly.
The effect of GDP
2.Search for literature. 3.Read the selected articles thoroughly and evaluate them. 4.Organize the selected papers by looking for patterns and by developing subtopics. 5.Develop a thesis or purpose statement. A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources that provides an overview of a particular topic. It generally follows a discussion of the paper thesis statement or the study of the goals or purpose. In regard to the Introduction, it is a normal introduction to any research. Please make the literature review is around 750 words and the introduction around 550 words.
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