Sport rules: forms of cheating in sports
All sports have rule books and often additional information is provided to help officials and players interpret the rules. However, rules can develop and change over time. They are written by some of the following stakeholders in sport:
· Sport rules: Governing bodies of sport
These are the central power in rule making. It is their decision whether rules are changed. However, they come under pressure from other stakeholders to change rules.
· The media
The media place pressure on governing bodies if they want changes to rules in order to make sports more tele-visually appealing. The media can spend time debating controversies that rules create.
· Sponsors
Sponsors have influence in terms of the timing and lengths of breaks that are available during an event to advertise their products. They are also interested in the conduct of athletes as they want their product to be associated with positive behavior, and they have the power to withdraw sponsorship.
· Players and athletes
As these are the people who are affected most by rules, they can place pressure on governing bodies to make changes. These changes can be to protect their health or style of play as well as to protect themselves against other athletes cheating against them.
The rules of sport are fluid and are often adapted in response to cheating or to stop cheating.
Sport rules: cheating in sports
Cheating in sports is the intentional breaking of sport rules in order to obtain an advantage over the other teams or players. Sports are governed by both customs and explicit rules regarding acts which are permitted and forbidden at the event and away from it. Forbidden acts frequently include doping, using equipment that does not conform to the rules or altering the condition of equipment during play, and deliberate harassment or injury to competitors.
Forms of cheating in sports
The most prevalent kind of cheating as of 2011 is the use of performance-enhancing drugs such as steroids. Baseball media started calling the years between 2000 and 2008 the “Steroid Era” because so many players either admitted to, or were accused of, using steroids or human growth hormones. As a result, players with stats worthy of the Hall of Fame, most notably Mark McGwire and Rafael Palmeiro, were left off many ballots. Drug charges also stained the reputations of stars of many other sports from pro leagues to the Olympics.
Gambling and Bribes
Gambling jeopardizes the integrity of a sport since a participant could alter the outcome of a game. In 1919, eight members of the Chicago White Sox were accused throwing the World Series as part of a gambling fix. The players, including “Shoeless” Joe Jackson, were found innocent in court but were banned from the game for life. The “Black Sox” scandal was baseball’s biggest gambling black mark until 1989. In 1985, Pete Rose set the major league record for hits while also serving as manager of the Cincinnati Reds. In 1989, a special report showed Rose had bet on baseball, including some games he managed. He got a lifetime ban. As of 2011, the all-time hits leader was still not eligible for the Hall of Fame.
Cheating with Video
During National Football League season, a perennial Super Bowl contender, were accused of taping the New York Jets sideline. It was later revealed they also recorded practices before the Super Bowl years earlier. Baseball teams have been accused of using video cameras to steal opposing teams’ signs.
Playing Dirty
Cheating can also be as simple as sticking out a foot to trip an opposing player. It’s also considered a cheat to steal signs or plays from an opponent. Equipment cheats are watched for in some sports like auto racing. Illegal moves can get a player thrown out of some sporting events.