Service-learning reflection paper 2022 best

At the end of the semester, each individual will submit a service-learning reflection paper, which will count for half of the final exam grade (35%). Your Service-Learning Reflection Paper will consist of a four- to six-page
Service-learning reflection paper.
At the end of the semester, each individual will submit a service-learning reflection paper, which will count for half of the final exam grade (35%). Your Service-Learning Reflection Paper will consist of a four- to six-page, APA formatted paper with at least three scholarly references. If you are not familiar with APA, you can find templates and tutorials online. Remember that scholarly references should be peer-reviewed, like the articles you would find in GALILEO or Google Scholar. This paper will be submitted to the assignment box in D2L. The paper should address the following topics: Describe the community need and service-learning activity.
Service-learning reflection paper.
Describe the process for developing the goals/strategies to address the community need. Include information about data analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Describe how you adapted or applied skills, abilities, or theories from one situation to this new situation to solve a difficult problem or explore a complex issue in an original way. Describe the connection between your life experiences, classroom experiences, and this service-learning experience and how those have served to deepen your understanding of the subject matter. Describe how your own cultural rules and biases informed your view of the service.
Service-learning reflection paper.
Indicate how your views may have developed and how they may have changed during this experience. Describe the impact of the service-learning project on other individuals, groups, and/or the environment. Describe what you learned about your civic identity during this service-learning project. Describe any changes in your commitment to public action. Describe the effects of the service-learning project on your career competencies, choice of profession, or potential success in your future profession.
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