Self-Care Plan: Crisis and Trauma Counselling
A self-care plan is a well-constructed and purposely engaged guide and leaflet that promote health and wellbeing overall. It takes the idea of being a life-long learner engaging the individual in constructing skills and strategies to support the health status. Psychological trauma is the outcome of prolonged distressing events whereby it brings about helplessness accompanied by a range of psychological emotions. Trauma can be caused by many reasons and can also affect a client or an individual. It is a condition that psychologists can manage through self-care. The paper analyses the plan in dealing and counseling clients with trauma.
Research Support of Usefulness with Trauma
Counseling is the act of trying to keep everything under control, being physical, mental, or spiritual. Self-care is needful because it helps someone manage stress; if I decide to do meditation, I will most likely doze, hence calming my mind and being at ease. Self-care is an important attribute because it quickly deals with stressors from all life corners (Sansbury, Graves & Scott 2015). I deliberately do these activities of self-care for my own wellbeing. The most current and commonly used self-care program may include: be your good friend, getting a well-balanced diet, keeping friends, asking for help, and appreciating it when support is offered. These strategies primarily work for social people and someone who is willing and have self-drive traits.
Self-Care Proposal
Physical and Environment Care
In healing trauma, self-care is essential since it fastens the healing process. Practicing meditation has helped me in a big way by keeping me calm and reflecting on only the good and positive side of life. When i was dealing with trauma was helpless, However, Yoga was useful in curbing it. I was able to release judgment, emotions, and feelings, leading to a sober and relaxed mind. Therapists are generally said to help a client in the healing process and so I chose to see one who really helped me into healing and talked me into practicing good sleep habits so as to fasten healing (Sansbury, Graves & Scott 2015).
The more sleep one gets, the more one is likely to feel relaxed, and taming of these feelings become easier. Avoiding being at one place throughout, the practice of movement and other exercises helps to calm the mind since the mind will be focusing on the ongoing activities and not on the trauma. Find a social life; this is by having friends around, a friend visiting by to check you up helps in a big way that distracts the mind and keeps you focusing on reality. It is always essential to keep a journal. Writing down good and bad emotions helps big way and it worked well with me. Individuals who keep journals rarely commit suicide unless in rare cases.
Body and Physical self-Care
Poor management of trauma brings other body issues like fatigue, burns out insomnia, and many others and this is now noticing self-care is declining. When adolescents go through trauma and are not addressed, they are likely to have depression, anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or even bipolar. In short, they will end being adults who are mentally unfit or unstable (Herman 2015). Other than mental issues, one is likely to have cardiovascular-related illnesses such as a heart attack.
One is also at risk of getting cancer or obesity. Trauma may also cause long-lasting brain changes, and there is a likability of an individual getting into addiction. A person searching for stability and peace can end up taking alcohol or other drugs, which in no time becomes an addiction. A client is also likely to experience a racing heart commonly known as palpitations, blood pressure, and diabetes. When one has many of these health conditions, even death can be sudden.
A patient is also likely to have undefined aches and pains. There are many stress and trauma-related diseases that one may experience, such as ulcers; most ulcer patients are said to have had prolonged and unmanaged trauma. One is also likely to have anger, rage, too many emotions, and increased numbness. The patient is also likely to withdraw from people and the surroundings. One will slowly cut out ties with their social life; this is dangerous and eventually destroys their relations with others and their relationships. That is why most of them end up in separations and break-ups. Their relationships become unmanaged because you cannot take such a person for an outing. After all, they are usually agitated, especially in a new or unfamiliar place.
Relationship and Relational Care
Prolonged trauma makes a patient have frequent and often feelings of sadness for no reason. This feeling creates a person to lose the joy of living, and he or she may end up with suicidal thoughts or end up committing suicide (Briere & Scott 2014). The person ends up having difficulty sleeping durations due to a lot of thoughts. One is also likely to have problems in doing any work.
A mentally disturbed person has no good ability to work because he or she may end up making a mess. It may lead to a person losing the job or becoming an incompetent worker, which may cause a downfall of an organization. Traumatized individuals end up depending on taking antidepressants, which predominantly affects the hippocampus part of the brain, and an individual becomes adversely affected. Prolonged trauma in a patient also causes burnout in a clinician’s life; this is because they treat the same thing time after time.