Research Literacy In Social Science. 2022 Best

This assignment explores research Literacy In Social Science. Overview Identifying a research problem is the first step toward a creating research question.
Research Literacy In Social Science.
One of the most effective ways of identifying a research problem is through conducting preliminary research to identify research methodology trends in the field. As you identify these trends, new research problems will begin to emerge to you. Prompt In this assignment, you will identify the research problem you will later turn into a research question in Project Three: Research Questions, and you will consider how it relates to your field of study. To eventually craft this complex research question, you will need to conduct preliminary research to see what has already been studied in your field.
Research Literacy In Social Science.
This step will help you identify trends in research problems and methodologies so you can hone your own research problem into a well-thought-out and complex question. A well-developed research question is complex in nature, and a complex question is best derived from each type of research study. Therefore, in Project One: Research Methods in Social Sciences, which you will complete in Module Four, you will need to identify research studies of each type that will help you eventually develop your research question for Project Three in Module Eight.
Research Literacy In Social Science.
To support your identification and evaluation of each type of research study in your Project One, complete the following: Research Problem Identification The first step to creating a research question is to choose a research problem to investigate further. Using the preliminary research you have already conducted, identify a potential research problem. As you consider your research problem selection, answer each of the following: What is the research problem you would like to explore further? How does your research problem relate to your field of study?
Research Literacy In Social Science.
Methodology Trends: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed-Methodology Approaches Now that you have identified your potential research problem, think about methodology trends you see. Insight into these trends will help you identify the benefits and drawbacks of each methodology (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods) in relation to your research problem. (Hint: These are also items you will address in Project Two.) As you consider how the methodologies relate to your research problem, answer each of the following: Do you see any trends in the methodology approaches used to study this problem? If so, why do you think that is? If not, why do you think that is?
Research Literacy In Social Science.
Are there any methodologies that you are having difficulty finding research studies for? If so, why do you think that is? If not, why do you think that is? Overcoming Challenges Finally, sometimes finding each type of research methodology can be difficult. When all of the research methodologies are not represented, it can limit the research questions you can ask. This is why you will be required to provide an example of each research methodology for your research problem in Project One. As you consider the types of research methods you have found, answer each of the following: How would finding limited research study methodologies also limit the research questions you can ask?
Research Literacy In Social Science.
If you can’t find a type of methodology, what do you think that says about your research problem? How could you potentially still use your chosen research problem and find research studies that use each methodology? What changes might you need to make so you can find examples of each methodology? Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Describe the relationship between your chosen research problem and the field of study Evaluate the impact of methodology trends for your chosen research problem Determine how to overcome challenges that impact the development of complex research questions.
Research Literacy In Social Science.
Database Resources: Use the resources below to help you determine a research problem related to your degree of study. Anthropology: Shapiro Library Anthropology Databases Science Daily Human Services: Shapiro Library Trends in Human Services The Balance Careers Political Science: Shapiro Library Political Science Databases New York Times: Politics Criminal Justice: Shapiro Library Criminal Justice Databases Bureau of Justice Statistics Guidelines for Submission: This assignment must be completed in a written format and be 1–2 pages in length. Any references should be cited in APA format. Shapiro Library APA Style Guide
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