Popular culture in Asia. 2022 Bet

This assignment explores a popular culture in Asia. Their role in creating identification and connections between peoples of different countries or parts of Asia?
Popular culture in Asia.
Major essay instructions Choose one of the following question and answer with reference to specific case studies from one or two countries or regions. Your essay should be approximately 3500 words long, should include a list of references, and will count for 50% of the overall mark. You may write on a similar topic to your presentation and report. 1. What is the role of popular culture in creating identification and connections between peoples of different countries or parts of Asia? Comment on how ‘Asia’ is defined with reference to theories such as ‘Asia as Method’ or ‘Inter-Asia Referencing’? Illustrate your answer by using examples from at least two different countries/cultural regions and different popular culture forms.
Popular culture in Asia.
2. In what ways does Asian popular culture have a political function; does it subvert or reinforce existing power structures? Are the paradigms created by the Frankfurt School still relevant to understanding popular culture in Asia as either a product of the mainstream elite exploited to pacify the masses and contain dissent, or as a ‘grassroots’ phenomenon? Your answer should include at least two examples. 3. How does audience reception and fandom produce popular culture? What aspects of Asian popular culture blur boundaries between production and consumption? How relevant are Jenkins’ theories of fandom to Asian contexts?
Popular culture in Asia.
You should refer to good academic sources, ie articles from peer-reviewed journals or books/book chapters from academic presses. A good starting point is to incorporate articles from the reading list into your essay. Remember that an important part of your essay is your argument or thesis. The essay should be in continuous prose (ie not dot points, since it is not a report) and should not use sub-headings. You should indicate the structure and direction of the essay in the introductory paragraph (this is why you don’t need sub-headings, because you will already have explained to the markers how you are organising your discussion).
Popular culture in Asia.
The concluding paragraph should sum up your argument, which will be the key part of the answer to the question. 1. Must include Introduction and conclusion 2. Enough case studies and examples 3. Compare Korean and Japanese culture or music in q1 4. Do not use too much citation in introduction part 5. Conclusion have to conclude something that discussed in this work. 6. 6-7 references is enough (include required readings and other resources). https://youtu.be/lJKvfZwBf_w
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