Our Rights as Citizens – 2022 Best

For this assignment we will examine how the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens. On the other hand we will explore a case that involves civil rights or civil liberties that wound its way up to the United States Supreme Court.
Our Rights as Citizens
Week 6 Assignment: Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens. Outline Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 200 Submitting a media recording or a file upload Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 11, 12 Lesson Minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. Instructions This assignment is comprised of 2 parts, the first of which is due this week. Part II will be due in Week 7. In Part I this week, choose a case from your state (MASSACHUSETTS) that involves civil rights or civil liberties that wound its way up to the United States Supreme Court.
Our Rights as Citizens
If your state does not have a case that ended up in the United States Supreme Court, choose a civil rights case from another state that ended up in the Supreme Court of the United States. Here is a brief description of civil rights and civil liberties: Civil rights refers to equal social opportunities under the law. It gives you these freedoms such as the right to vote, the right to public education, or a fair trial, among other things, regardless of your wealth or race. Civil liberties mean freedom of religion, equal treatment and due process under the law, and the right to privacy.
Our Rights as Citizens
You should be able to go online and look up your state and famous cases that ended up in the Supreme Court. For example, Brown v Board of Education (1951) started in Topeka, Kansas and ended up in the Supreme Court of the United States. Another example would be Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley v Steve Sisolak, Governor of Nevada (2020) that started in Nevada and ended up the United States Supreme Court. https://youtu.be/kbwsF-A2sTg
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