Organizational Behavior Observation 2022 Best

This assignment involves creating a presentation on Organizational Behavior Observation. The student will observe and analyze a team/group from their personal or professional life. The student will describe the issue/s your work/volunteer/other group discussed and you will describe that in a presentation using technology such as PowerPoint
Organizational Behavior Observation.
Presentation Length: 6-10 Slides or 10-12 minute presentation Due: Week 7 Value: Discussion Board (40 Points) & Assignments Folder (110 points) Post: Week 7: Discussion Board (Thursday) & Week 7 Assignment Folder (Thursday) This is an individual assignment. The student will observe and analyze a team/group from their personal or professional life. The student will describe the issue/s your work/volunteer/other group discussed and you will describe that in a presentation using technology such as PowerPoint, Prezi, Powertoon, ScreenCastOmatic, or the like. Please confirm with your professor if you plan on using a different type of technology to present your findings.
Organizational Behavior Observation.
Organizational Behavior studies what people think, feel, and do in organizational settings, focusing on the individual, interpersonal, group, and organizational processes. The primary objective of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of organizational behavior. You will do this by analyzing a real-time experience in your organization* where you work/volunteer or participate in or which you are a member. You will describe and present your observations to the class. *examples of groups you might consider completing this assignment with: Church groups Sports teams Special projects for school Neighborhood groups or organizations Ad-hoc committees Board memberships Clubs.
Organizational Behavior Observation.
If you are not currently a member of any of these, you can choose to watch a movie, here are a few suggestions: 1. Twelve Angry Men 2. Invictus 3. Hidden Figures 4. Moneyball 5. The Pursuit of Happiness 6. The Help 7. The Insider The presentation will describe the group of which you are a part of and the minor, but important details about the issue or task that the group must address. Please consider the following items for your presentation: Type of team (location, main task, type of membership) How long the team/group has been together Frequency of meetings Members (no specific names please) (demographics, length of commitment)
Organizational Behavior Observation.
Issue: Specific issue being addressed for purposes of this project (give specific information on the issue, and try to refrain from offering your opinion or judgments on the issue or the individuals involved). Organizational Behavior Factors (your presentation does not need to cover all these factors, but highlight at least 3-5 of them) Where or who experienced anxiety, confusion, frustration, counterproductive behaviors, moral dilemmas, and conflict Where or who contributed to collective intelligence, wisdom, trust, affection, commitment, responsibility, effectiveness, efficiency, achievement, and pride.
Organizational Behavior Observation.
Did any behaviors detract from teamwork, mutual supportiveness, or overall group effectiveness? Give specific examples (without judgment). Did any behaviors contribute to teamwork, mutual supportiveness, or overall group effectiveness? Give specific examples. Did feelings or emotional reactions either within individuals or between individuals have an impact on the outcome? If so, was it positive or negative? Give specific examples. Was everyone fully involved? Why or why not? What made the difference? What was the general tone of the meeting? Who were high participators/low participators? Why do think this occurred?
Organizational Behavior Observation.
What ways of dealing with the problem did members evidence or introduce? Were priorities established? How was this done? Whose priorities took center-stage? What were the spoken and unspoken priorities? What if any, group norms became evident throughout the meeting/session? What creative or innovative ideas emerged if any? What were the factors that contributed to the development of creative or innovative ideas? Who facilitated or took-over the direction of the meeting? Why and how did this occur? If you were to conduct the second meeting of this group, what would you do to help them become more effective?
Organizational Behavior Observation.
What would you do differently, address, change, or introduce? Be specific and explain. Presentations are due in Week 7. Presentations must be uploaded to the following two locations in the course shell: Week 7 Discussion Board, by Thursday midnight. Week 7 Assignment Folder, by Thursday, midnight.
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