Nursing Shortage. 2022 Best

This assignment focuses on Nursing Shortage. Read Chapter 17 in the textbook, review the PowerPoint/Handout to prepare for this assignment, and watch the Nursing Shortage in America and Annotated Bibliography videos.
Nursing Shortage.
Read Chapter 17 in the textbook, review the PowerPoint/Handout to prepare for this assignment, and watch the Nursing Shortage in America and Annotated Bibliography videos. Use the Purdue OWL – Annotated Bib website to write up one of your two references for this paper. For this assignment, find two references and write up one of the references as an annotated bibliography. Begin the paper with the one paragraph annotated bib. This paragraph will be part of the two to three page body. Write a two to three page paper on the shortage that we are experiencing, or the shortage that is forecasted to occur in nursing.
Nursing Shortage.
You can discuss the current shortages, or predicted shortages, but you must cite your references (outside of your textbook) to support your statements. You can focus on the shortage of: nurses; resources; faculty; or the aging workforce, or the numbers of patients that will be added to the patient pool, or any focal point that you find to be relevant to this topic. If you are unsure, please contact me with your ideas before you begin writing. This is not to be a format for listing your complaints about short staffing on your unit, or that you get floated to areas where you don’t prefer to work.
Nursing Shortage.
Use the paper grading rubric to guide your writing. All 4 criteria met – 1. Introduces the theme of the paper. – 2. Information presented in logical sequence. – 3. All key points addressed. – 4. Engages the reader. All 4 criteria met – 1. All assigned points developed. – 2. Ideas flow smoothly. – 3. Appropriate content is covered in depth without being redundant. – 4. Current peer-reviewed research incorporated. All 4 criteria met – 1. Summarizes the theme of the paper. – 2. Information presented in logical sequence. – 3. All key points addressed.
Nursing Shortage.
4. Conclusion shows depth of understanding. All 4 criteria met – 1. APA style used properly for citations – 2. APA style used properly for references – 3. APA style used properly for quotations – 4. All references are cited, and all citations have references. All 4 criteria met – 1. No spelling errors – 2. No grammatical errors, including verb tense and word usage – 3. No writing errors, including sentence structure, and formatting. – 4. Must be all original work.
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