Marx and Nietzsche’s theories 2022 Best

For this assignment we will how Marx and Nietzsche’s theories are depicted in the movie Parasite and what the movie adds to their theories. You must have access to the movie “Parasite” in order to refer to specific scenes and explain why and how these scenes portray Marx or Nietzsche’s theory and how can these scenes add to their theories/concepts
Marx and Nietzsche’s theories
Movie “Parasite” in the lens of Marx and Nietzsche. Paper details Paper goal: Show how Marx and Nietzsche’s theories are depicted in the movie Parasite and what the movie adds to their theories. Also what these theories/concepts can add to the movie “Parasite. Professor’s instructions, my paper’s topic, readings and page numbers needed for this assignment and grading info are all in the written “Final Project Instructions” file. The readings indicated in the “”Final Project Instructions” file can be found in the “Nietzsche Reader” file or the “Marx Reader file” (attached).
Marx and Nietzsche’s theories
You must have access to the movie “Parasite” in order to refer to specific scenes and explain why and how these scenes portray Marx or Nietzsche’s theory and how can these scenes add to their theories/concepts. Also what these theories/concepts can add to these scenes. I would prefer if you explained Marx and Nietzsche’s theories in your own words when relating them to the movie. The abstract may be really helpful to read as it will clarify what I planned for my arguments. Please use simple and clear language. Citations: MLA Format.
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