Legal Foundations of fire Service. 2022 Best

This paper explores political and Legal Foundations of fire Service. Paper details Write a two-page narrative supporting your evaluation of this scenario. You should use information from reputable, reliable journal articles, case studies, scholarly papers, and other sources that you feel are pertinent.
Legal Foundations of fire Service.
Paper details Write a two-page narrative supporting your evaluation of this scenario. You should use information from reputable, reliable journal articles, case studies, scholarly papers, and other sources that you feel are pertinent. You must use at least three sources; one of which must be your textbook and one must be your fire department’s SOP on emergency vehicle operations. If your fire department does not have an SOP on emergency vehicle operations or if you are not currently affiliated with a fire department, please go to IAFF Model SOP for a model SOP for emergency and nonemergency response.
Legal Foundations of fire Service.
In evaluating the liability, please use the following questions to guide your response: § Who may be responsible for the driver’s negligence? Is it the fire department, engine company officer, chief officers, training officer, etc.? § Did the firefighter who was driving have a duty to drive with due regard? If so, did he breach that duty? § Did the driver act with due regard for the safety of others in the circumstances? § Should the emergency vehicle operator be held to a higher standard of care while driving than the other driver? § Support your response with a law or laws that support the position.
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