Lab report chronicling findings of a skeletal excavation
This assignment involves writing a lab report chronicling and analyzing the findings of a skeletal excavation – namely attempting to determine the sex, age as well as the height of a Medieval skeletal sample.
Lab report chronicling findings of a skeletal excavation
The report should include: 1.) Introduction with a full account of the aims of this report. 2.) Materials: This section should give a brief background about the site your skeleton came from. 3.) Methods: This secion should clearly describe the methods used to estimate age, biologicals sex and also, the stature of your individual. 4.) Results: This section will present the outcome of the methods used. When appropriate you should use figures, graphs and tables. 5.) Discussion: This section you should include a review the results, critically appraise the methods used as well as the quality of the data that you have produced. Also, consult the relevant books and articles from the reading list. You are not limited to these sources, feel free to independently research these areas.
Lab report chronicling findings of a skeletal excavation
6.) Bibilography: Using the Harvard system create a bibilography of the materials used. d.) Lab report skeletons were retrieved during excavation in Canterbury, and date to the Mid to Late Medieval period (1276-1325 AD). The Materials section should include a brief description of the site, on the other hand the discussion should compare the outcome of your data with published data from the Medieval period. It MUST cite the following sources in the background section, and also, MUST utilize as much technical language as possible for the individual bones and their respective features: READINGS FOR THE REPORT (Optional) • Bass, W.M. 1985 Human Osteology: A laboratory and field manual Columbus Mo. Missouri Archaeological Society • Hillson, S. 1996 Dental Anthropology, Cambridge University Press.
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