Identification of determinant factors 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing a research paper on identification of determinant factors/attributes. A research paper typically includes the following sections: A. Title Page B. Abstract C. Introduction D. Literature Review E. Methodology F. Findings and Discussions G. Conclusions H. References I. Appendices
Identification of determinant factors
A research paper typically includes the following sections: A. Title Page B. Abstract C. Introduction D. Literature Review E. Methodology F. Findings and Discussions G. Conclusions H. References I. Appendices. This project document discusses the fundamental requirements for the following sections: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings and Discussions, and Conclusions. INTRODUCTION The introduction section sets the stage for the study by summarizing, integrating, and critically evaluating the extant knowledge in the relevant area. It addresses three major issues. Firstly, it describes the topic and the purpose of the research.
Identification of determinant factors
Authors should clearly articulate what they will be doing in their study. Secondly, the introduction section presents why the topic and the purpose are important and worth reading about. It should convince the readers that the research is important for other researchers, or practitioners, or both. Finally, it should provide an overview (a “road map”) of the paper so that readers can anticipate and absorb each of the sections that follows. LITERATURE REVIEW Adequate literature review is a basic requirement for all research papers. This section provides an analysis of prior research and knowledge regarding the phenomenon and incorporates them into the current study.
Identification of determinant factors
Based on the review of relevant literature, this section provides a concise description of the definitions of key constructs and their interrelationships. The researchers, thereby, articulate their conceptual and/or research model based on the extant literature. This section also describes how the current study links to the larger body of knowledge on the phenomenon being studied. METHODOLOGY The methodology section provides a clear and complete description of the study’s research strategy and a justification for the research strategy. That is, this section describes how the research was carried out and why it was carried out the way it was carried out.
Identification of determinant factors
Authors must provide a clear and complete descriptions of the following: the sampling frame, sampling procedures (or site selection criteria), characteristics of the entities comprising the sample, characteristics of respondents or subjects, how access to sites and participants was gained, logistics and timing of data collection, operationalization of research variables, instrumentation (instructions, measurement scales, interview guides), the psychometric properties of a study’s measures (i.e., the reliability and validity of the instrument), data analysis techniques used, and how the research questions (or hypotheses) are tested using these techniques.
Identification of determinant factors
It is strongly recommended that a copy of the instrumentation (survey instructions and items, interview guides, etc.) be included as an appendix. FINDINGS and DISCUSSIONS The “Findings and Discussions” section describes the results of analyses performed on collected data and interprets the meaning of these results. The findings must be interpreted with regard to how they impact both theory and practice, how they impact the research model of the study, and what they imply for future research. However, when interpreting the study’s findings, authors should be careful not to overstate their findings.
Identification of determinant factors
CONCLUSION The conclusion section should not provide a summary of the article. Rather, it should describe the contributions of the study to scholarly knowledge and to practice through the ideas and findings that have been presented in the paper. Authors should clearly articulate what the article has accomplished and why these accomplishments are important. Thus, this section provides a summary of the key messages (not the summary of the article) that the authors want readers to take away from the article. However, authors must not introduce new ideas or concepts in the conclusion section.
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