Historiography of Mathematics – Progressive Era, Sputnik.
This assignment entails writing a historiography of Mathematics Education. We will identify main the geopolitical forces that impacted mathematics education (e.g., Progressive Era, Sputnik, and the standards movement)
Historiography of Mathematics – Progressive Era, Sputnik.
What are the main geopolitical forces that impacted mathematics education (e.g., Progressive Era, Sputnik, and the standards movement)? How did mathematics education change as a result of these geopolitical force Paper details: Chapter 1: Add more current research article citations throughout this chapter. Expand on “Procedures of the Study”. Add relevant, current research to “Resources for the Study”. About 10 pages total. Chapter 2: Expand this whole chapter. Introduction of this chapter should be 3-4 pages. Methods for Historical section should be 5-6 pages.
Historiography of Mathematics – Progressive Era, Sputnik.
Methods for History of Mathematics Education should be another 9-10 pages; include discussion of all data obtained from influential reports and educational policy documents, a timeline of United States history, as well as articles on the history of US education and history of mathematics and mathematics education in the US. Revise the Summary as appropriate based on the additional research included. About 20 pages total. Chapter 3: Expand on each of the three sections of this chapter – History of the United States, History of US Education, and History of US Mathematics Education. The start of some subsections in each of these three sections are included but need a lot of research. Lastly, end with a brief Summary section. About 50 pages total.
Historiography of Mathematics – Progressive Era, Sputnik.
Chapter 4: Focus this chapter findings based on the the review of literature (Chapter 3) and relevant research cited in Chapters 1 and 2. Also, answer the research questions posed in Chapter 1. About 75 pages total. Chapter 5: Write the summary and conclusion for this study. Include a brief Recommendations for Further Research section that highlights what additional research could be done to further the study the history of mathematics education – include the current coronavirus pandemic. About 10 pages total. References: Use APA format to list all references in alphabetical order by author. Include DOI numbers as appropriate. About 10 pages total.
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