Global societal problems: solutions to global problems

Global societal problems are issues which adversely affect the community and environment worldwide. Global problems are not just major problems, or problems that affect many people. Rather they are those problems that affect the whole of the world, and potentially all of the people who live on it. Climate change is one clear example . Global problems are divided into three big groups:

Inter-social global problems

These usually includes  problems that arise from diverting world wars, nuclear and eventually other conflicts connected to  the problem of war and peace. Additionally, there are gains in importance also the fight towards terrorism today. The social and economic backwardness problem of developing countries is also a major issue .That is, the problem of solving global debts. Furthermore, the problem of the international relationships  changes under the new conditions formed namely by the scientific and technological progress.

Natural-social global problems

They are the mostly grouped into the following problems: environmental problem, raw material and energy problem, population problem, food, and nutrition problem as well.

 Anthropo-social problems

It includes the general human problems of the social, cultural and humanitarian-ethical nature. Sometimes, they  rank as one most complex problems. Further ,this group can be divided into sub categories, “sub-global”. These problems are the common denominator due to shortcomings of the development of man in the relationship to the life and social conditions created by himself. Here belong different kinds of the unequal approach to education, health care,
housing, culture, human rights, eventually also serious defects in their securing uncontrolled development ,for example, rapid urbanization .

Climatic global societal problems

The following is a list of the most common global problems :


Religious conflict and violence

Lack of education

Unemployment and lack of economic opportunity

Government accountability and corruption

Food and water security

International drug trafficking

Poverty and income inequality

Rise of artificial intelligence

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