Global atmospheric changes. 2022 Best

This assignment involves reviewing an article on Air pollution and global atmospheric changes. Critical evaluation of environmental arguments is an integral part of the study of environmental science.
Global atmospheric changes.
Critical evaluation of environmental arguments is an integral part of the study of environmental science. As we work through the topics covered in this course, you will gain a more thorough understanding of the actual science behind many controversial topics. This knowledge allows you to review articles in popular magazines and news programs with a new appreciation for the science at the center of these arguments. You will have three opportunities this term to select an article from recent literature and news outlets and identify the facts and fictions within their claims and statements.
Global atmospheric changes.
For each article review, you will find an article related to the general topic covered. The focus of the article can be directed at any level (local, national, global) Week 4 Air Pollution and Global Atmospheric Changes Sources for the articles you select should be current (published in the last twelve months) and can be pulled from any of these: • popular magazines (Time, Newsweek, Discover, National Geographic) • newspapers (NY Times, Washington Post, USA Today, NPR) • scientific journals (Science, Nature, Scientific American) A couple of good starting places are Google Scholar and Brandman’s Leatherby Library (
Global atmospheric changes.
The articles themselves should be longer than three or four paragraphs (long enough that there is some substance to them) so that you can write a meaningful summary and response to the article, following the directions below. You should start by flipping through the pages of your textbook for that specific topic; you may build from a case study or an image in your book as a “jumping off” point for your article selection. Part One: Summary of Article Write a summary of the article you have chosen that includes a brief description of the main claims made by the author(s).
Global atmospheric changes.
There should be no “opinion” in this first section of your Article Review; it should contain the “cold, hard facts”. Please make sure to cite your sources as you present the facts. Part Two: Critical Evaluation Compare the claims made in the article with your understanding of the science behind the topic discussed as learned in this class. Refer your readers to passages in your textbook (or other outside references with proper citations) to support your analysis. You should also consider the bias of the stakeholders mentioned in (or implied by) the article, as well as the author(s) and/or the source of the article itself.
Global atmospheric changes.
You may be able to identify an alternate agenda in the presentation of the information. For example, someone being interviewed may be funded by a company that would prefer that the results of a report be presented in a favorable light to their interests. (Please note: I do not expect you to run a background check on these individuals! However, you may be surprised with what you find if you give it a try!) Finally, make sure you either include the original article or provide a complete, working web address so that I can look at the original material you are working with.
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