Fundamentals of Statistics : 2022 Best

OC 03- Fundamentals of Statistics Research Paper Guidelines: Statement of Problem (about 1 page double spaced) This is the introduction to your research paper. Introduce your variables and describe how they are connected by explaining why this topic is a social phenomenon. of Statistics
Fundamentals of Statistics
SOC 03- Fundamentals of Statistics Research Paper Guidelines: Statement of Problem (about 1 page double spaced) This is the introduction to your research paper. Introduce your variables and describe how they are connected by explaining why this topic is a social phenomenon. Describe precisely what you intend to show/argue and why this topic is in need of our attention. In your introduction, grab the attention and interest of your readers then introduce the problem to be studied. You may consider using a rich illustration of the phenomenon you are studying. A research paper is not an essay, an editorial piece, or a generalization that you make.
Fundamentals of Statistics
Strive to be value-free in your inquiry and avoid advocating for one’s own beliefs. Social science research papers are data driven. Write the paper in a direct and technical style. Literature Review and Development of Hypotheses (about 2 pages double spaced) What have others found regarding your research question within the last 15 years? From the findings of researchers and scholars coupled with your topic, develop a logical argument that leads to the statements of your hypotheses. You will need one research hypothesis and one null hypothesis denoted as H1 and H0, respectively. Your hypotheses should be directly stated and not in question format at the conclusion of the literature review section.
Fundamentals of Statistics
Throughout this section, weave the arguments and findings of others into your own arguments. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Give credit to the author[s] and when in doubt, quote and cite. You should paraphrase author[s] but once again, you must cite their idea. Do not use long quotes (more than 2 lines). Nearly all of this section needs to be in your writing. Be sure to define and thoroughly explain key concepts or ideas proposed by the author[s]. Assume that your reader may not know anything about your topic. You must have at least two academic resources cited in the body of the literature review and at the end of the paper.
Fundamentals of Statistics
You may have additional resources that do not necessarily have to be academic and can come from the internet, magazines, news sources, etc. Methods (about ½ page double spaced) Describe the characteristics of the General Social Survey (the GSS) and the variables used to test your hypothesis. What question did you use from the GSS? Critique the questions asked in the GSS and possible inferences that might be made about the questions.
Fundamentals of Statistics
Evaluate the question by asking yourself what you think people imagined when they were asked the question. Was the question understandable? Was the question clear? Was it a good question? One should give just enough information in this section so that others can replicate your procedures. You’re free to use the following sentence but please build on it: The General Social Survey (GSS) 2018 is conducted by the National Opinion Research Center. This survey is composed of random samples of non-institutionalized, English-speaking Americans 18 years of age or older.
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