Fictional/supernatural creatures 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore the use of fictional/supernatural creatures to create an intriguing piece of fiction. In Creative Writing an awareness of your methodology and some evaluation of key critics and/or theorists in your area should be incorporated into the introduction.
Fictional/supernatural creatures
Paper details Your introduction should open your research questions and justify your choice of topic through setting it in the field you’re working in and showing how you’re contributing to existing work in the area. In Creative Writing an awareness of your methodology and some evaluation of key critics and/or theorists in your area should be incorporated into the introduction. Your methodology should delineate and justify your methods, discussing how you are going to carry out your research in order to answer your research questions(s).
Fictional/supernatural creatures
You should address each method and explain why it’s appropriate for your project and what you will do. Consider any limitations and biases in your research methodology. The research questions are: 1. How can one bring in supernatural creatures and yet somehow make the piece realistic enough to make people invested? 2. Does using fictional creatures help bring a story to life? Remember to use footnotes and a bibliography. the reference style should be MHRA.
Fictional/supernatural creatures
The number of sources to be used should be over 7, and you can reuse the ones used in the first chapter. I have attached one of the chapters of my dissertation, so read that. That also shows the sources I have used for this dissertation. My other chapter is a creative piece where I use supernatural creatures to bring my own story to life. I could add this one on too if you need to read it, but I am still working on it so it is not finished.
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