European Union in World Politics. 2022 Best

This paper answers questions on European Union in World Politics. Paper details: Exercise 1 consists of 10 True or False questions related to the contents of Unit 5. Each answer must be justified in the table below in no more than 50 words.
European Union in World Politics.
Paper details: Exercise 1 consists of 10 True or False questions related to the contents of Unit 5. Each answer must be justified in the table below in no more than 50 words. Answers will receive a 0 grade if they are not justified even if they are correct. Exercise 2 consists of one short-answer question for each of the 4 modules of Unit 6. You must ONLY answer the questions of the 2 modules you have selected. Questions must be answered in a max. of 100 words and a minimum of 50. Students are required to complete the mandatory readings before answering these exercises. Exercise 1: True or False questions on the readings of Unit 5.
European Union in World Politics.
1. According to Keukeleire and Delreux, the decreasing legitimacy of democracy, the rule of law, and human rights as universal values is not a challenge for the EU. 2. CSDP missions fulfil a variety of tasks but they are not an European Army. 3. The EU has 6 different sets of instruments for the promotion of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. 4. The EU cannot approve sanctions related to human rights abuses under the CFSP. 5. The EU has implemented tools to prioritize the fight against prosecution based on sexual orientation. 6. In 2009, the EU Council put forward specific guidelines for the implementation of actions and initiatives against a series of priority areas in the defense of human rights.
European Union in World Politics.
7. In cases of human rights violations, the EU has the mandate and the capability to use unilateral coercive military force in conflict areas. 8. The fragmentation of the EU’s architecture is also present in the planning and overseeing of CSDP missions 9. When it comes to nuclear non-proliferation, the EU is a strong and homogeneous actor. 10. The EU’s counter-terrorism strategy needs to involve both CFSP and CSDP mechanisms such as military and civilian missions and operations, as well as the promotion of stable growth in conflicted regions.
European Union in World Politics.
Exercise 2: Short-answer questions – Key issues in EU foreign policy (2) Here you’ll find one short-answer question for each of the 4 modules of Unit 6. Please answer only the two questions of your selected modules in a maximum of 100 and a min. of 50 for EACH QUESTION. 1. Module 1: The EU as a Trade Power. Which is the competence model in EU Trade Policy? 2. Module 2: The EU and International Development. What agreement is currently the legal basis for the EU’s development policy? 3. Module 3: The EU and IPE How does the EU command authority in global economic institutions? What are the observable indicators of success? 4. Module 4: The EU and Strategic Autonomy What is the Strategic Compass?
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