Epistemology and personal identity. 2022 Best

This paper focuses on epistemology and personal identity. So, what are two key things that you learned in your childhood that made a major impact (for better or worse) on your personal identity or belief systems now that you are older?
Epistemology and personal identity.
1. This question is about how epistemology shapes our personal identity: What are two key things that you learned in your childhood that made a major impact (for better or worse) on your personal identity or belief systems now that you are older? (1-2 paragraphs) 2. Finally, thinking about your personal identity, what are two key elements of your identity that are essential? Meaning, if we changed things on you one by one (i.e. your body parts, your race, your personality, your intellect, your religious beliefs, your other worldly beliefs, your love of particular things, your family, your country of origin, your good or bad memories, etc),
Epistemology and personal identity.
What two things would you not be willing to give up or have changed because they are so important to shaping who you are or have become as a person? Explain, why you selected those two things. (1-2 paragraphs) Rubric: 5 points for question 1 – should show some level of effort and critical thought in your reflection. 5 points for question 2 – should show some level of effort and critical thought in your reflection. 5 points for overall quality – T.A. or professor discretion (i.e. general organization, well written, effort put in v.s. done last minute and seems rushed, etc.) https://youtu.be/2CLun4FpqR8
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