Buddhist beliefs and practices. 2022 Best

The way in which Buddhism has been understood and presented in Europe reflects a relatively narrow appreciation of Buddhist beliefs and practices. This question is asking you to assess a claim, develop an argument and come to an evidence-based conclusion.
Buddhist beliefs and practices.
The way in which Buddhism has been understood and presented in Europe reflects a relatively narrow appreciation of Buddhist beliefs and practices. This question is asking you to assess a claim, develop an argument and come to an evidence-based conclusion. The claim you are asked to explore is quite broad. Do not aim to list every possible way in which Buddhism’s reception in Europe may or may not have been relatively narrow. This would be impossible in any case. Instead, focus on one or two specific aspects of the claim to discuss in depth.
Buddhist beliefs and practices.
The question refers to Buddhist beliefs and Buddhist practices, and you should consider both in your answer. You must also draw upon material from both units, but don’t assume you have to mention it all. Aim for a coherent response to the assignment task, setting aside any material that is not clearly relevant to your answer and your chosen focus. There is scope to argue for a variety of conclusions: you might argue that the claim in the question is correct, that it is incorrect or that the truth lies somewhere in between.
Buddhist beliefs and practices.
Be sure to state what you will be arguing for (and how) in your introduction. In the body of your essay, aim to consider opposing views, and support your conclusion using arguments and evidence drawn from the module materials. https://youtu.be/IjtWtakwsjw
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