Animal Assisted Interventions. 2022 Best

This paper explores the field of animal assisted interventions. Students should think about the type of AAI, along with the animal species and population they are most interested in. One example would be pet visitation (AAA) with dogs in a children’s hospital.
Animal Assisted Interventions.
This paper will provide the opportunity for students to explore and learn more about a special area of interest to them within the field of Animal-Assisted Interventions. Students should think about the type of AAI, along with the animal species and population they are most interested in. One example would be pet visitation (AAA) with dogs in a children’s hospital. Another example would be AAT with horses and youth at risk. Students are encouraged to choose a topic that relates to their own current (or planned future) scope of practice. For example, if you are a teaching professional, you could research the animal and population of your choice, working within Animal Assisted Education (AAE).
Animal Assisted Interventions.
Using a minimum of four credible resources (scholarly primary or secondary sources) review and write a reflection on the information you have gathered relating to this particular topic. You may also choose to interview someone in your community who is working with animals to help people, as a part of your research. Your paper should include the following: • Clear identification and definition of the area of interest and animal species chosen • Clear identification and description of the type of animal assisted intervention it falls under • Clear identification of the population of interest.
Animal Assisted Interventions.
Description of why you chose that area of interest and animal species • Clear presentation of your research findings • Discussion on how your research affected your understanding of your area of interest The paper should also abide by the following criteria: • Meet APA 7th edition formatting guidelines • Include cover and reference pages • 4-6 pages in length (not including cover and reference pages) • Submitted as PDF file The reflection paper should also demonstrate an understanding of and a direct tie to the course materials in some way
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