Analyze the roles of men in A Doll’s House play.
For this assignment we will analyze the roles of men in A Doll’s House play. While A Doll’s House is often analyzed in terms of the role of women during the time period of the play (late 1800s), the play also focuses on the role of men.
Analyze the roles of men in A Doll’s House play.
Topic 1: A Doll’s House While A Doll’s House is often analyzed in terms of the role of women during the time period of the play (late 1800s), the play also focuses on the role of men. After all, during the last scene, Torvald tells Nora, “I have it in me to become a different man” (887). For this topic, you are being asked to discuss and analyze the roles of men in this play. Your thesis must be one that gives a central view of men and/or masculinity in the play. The body points that you give must all relate to this thesis.
Analyze the roles of men in A Doll’s House play.
There are two ways you can structure your supporting detail: (1) you can focus only on Torvald, but you must have two distinct points about his masculinity OR (2) you can focus on two different men in the play (Torvald Helmer, Nils Krogstad, Dr. Rank, or even Nora’s father). Lastly, for whatever structure you select, you focus must work to explore and illustrate your thesis.
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