Expert analysis on Adaptation of a Shakespeare play – 2022 Best.

This assignment involves writing a paper in which you detail your adaptation of a Shakespeare play. Include detailed descriptions of the following: Medium: Film, Graphic Novel, Social Media, Theatrical Production.
Adaptation of a Shakespeare play – Film, Graphic Novel.
Option 1: Write a 1200 word paper (5 pages) in which you detail your adaptation of a Shakespeare play. You may choose one of the plays we read or you may choose another play from the Shakespearean canon. Your paper needs to include detailed descriptions, separated by headers, of the following: Medium: Film, Graphic Novel, Social Media, Theatrical Production. Choose what medium (Links to an external site.) you are going to have your adaptation be in—must be a specific medium, not just a medium type. Explain why you’re choosing your medium, and how the play will be created through the medium Setting: Time, Place, Mood/Atmosphere of the whole play.
Adaptation of a Shakespeare play – Film, Graphic Novel.
Provide an overall description of the setting (time, place mood) in which your adaptation takes place, and then provide at least one detailed description of one scene Provide an explanation for what your chosen setting brings to the play Character and Costumes: provide an overview of what your characters look like Provide a detailed description of costumes in at least scene, analyzing what semiotic meaning of dress in your adaptation If doing a film or play production, come up with a cast list of actors you would cast in the main roles Analysis (at least 2 pages/600 words + incorporating 4 quotes from the play).
Adaptation of a Shakespeare play – Film, Graphic Novel.
Using at least 4 quotes from the play, you must make an argument about your adaptation’s connection to the play. What themes in the play does your adaptation emphasize? What characters, character traits, relationships etc. are highlighted in your adaptation and how? Also, describe your hoped for audience take-away or engagement.
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