Action Research Project. 2022 Best.

Action Research Project.

In assessment 2 we will focus on action research project. The use of action research enables students to respond to emerging needs of the identified problem through a combination of consultative approaches and critical reflection.

Action Research Project.

Assessment 2: Action Research Project. The research project executes the action research outlined in the research proposal. The use of action research enables students to respond to emerging needs of the identified problem through a combination of consultative approaches and critical reflection. The report has two essential components i.e. research report and reflective statement. The aim of the research project is to execute research into current marketing practices with a focus on the types of problems and challenges that marketers face in their professional environment. This part must include a reflective statement is to demonstrate and evidence-based proposed business solutions and recommendations that address or mitigate the identified problem.

Action Research Project.

The action research report must include a reflective statement is demonstrate and evidence the reflective understanding and self-evaluation of the student focusing on personal transition through action research e.g. at the beginning of the period, mid-way through the project and at the end of the project. This reflective statement should be supported with a portfolio of evidence in support of student’s submission. Some examples of evidence include (but not limited to) class activities iteration feedback sheets, mind maps, tutor feedback, participation in events, reflective logs.

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