XYZ Widget Company – 2022 Best

The main goal for this assignment is to explain what steps the XYZ Widget Company should take by reviewing the standard action research and organizational development steps covered in the background materials. This paper focuses on action research and organizational development
XYZ Widget Company – 2022 Best
Assignment Overview For this assignment, first carefully review the required background materials. Make sure you are highly familiar with the main steps involved in action research and organizational development discussed in the readings. After reviewing the background materials, take a close look at the scenario in the Case Assignment below. Case Assignment Action research is the process of inquiry that is used to assist an individual or organization in solving a problem or improving a situation.
For each scenario below, think about the reasons why things did not work out well for the company. More specifically, think about action research in terms of developing a plan for action.
XYZ Widget Company – 2022 Best
Your task for this assignment is to explain what steps the organization should take by reviewing the standard action research and organizational development steps covered in the background materials. Also, try to assess which key step is missing in the scenario below. Then write a 4- to 5-page paper using three scholarly sources from the required and optional readings list addressing the following for the scenario below…
The Perils of XYZ Widget Company Sales have gone down at the XYZ Widget Company. Nobody in the organization, including the CEO, seems to know why. They decide to hire you, an organizational development consultant, to do some action research. You and the CEO spend a lot of time discussing how to proceed and create a contract.
XYZ Widget Company – 2022 Best
The contract specifies that you will limit the scope to finding factors that led to the decrease in sales… Come up with a plan of action within one month… THEN, answer the following questions using the background data from the scenario below. Scenario: XYZ Widget Company has lost 20% of its market share over the past two years resulting in a sales loss of 1.5 million in 2017 and 2 million in 2018 for a total of $3.5 million. Each widget costs the consumer $29.99 to purchase, and the average customer will purchase three widgets annually. Each XYZ widget costs $8 dollars and is of higher quality than the competition.
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