Artist and repertoire report – 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing an Artist and repertoire report. Find an unsigned artist or an artist (Lights Canadian musician) signed to a small label and produce an A&R report critically analyzing the reasons why this act would make a good A&R signing
Writing an Artist and repertoire report
A&R REPORT ON ‘LIGHTZ’ Find an unsigned artist or an artist signed to a small label and produce an A&R report critically analyzing the reasons why this act would make a good A&R signing either to a major label or an independent label. The report should contain an analysis of the act’s current music suggesting potential producers. Guest collaborators and remixers for future recordings. It should also take into consideration the band’s visual content (image, logo, videos, artwork) as part of the overall A&R vision.
Writing an Artist and repertoire report
The report should also contain a range of information from different data sources. Including social media and show how you would develop the progressive stages of the artist’s career within the mainstream market or the appropriate niche genre market. A critical understanding of the different pressures of commerce and creativity should be included as well as an evaluation of the changing nature of A&R since 2000. This report should be 3000 words in length, with a 10% variation minimum/maximum. With a bibliography following the Harvard System, as specified below. This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
Writing an Artist and repertoire report
Firstly, clearly and practically critically analyze and understand the role of A&R within the Music Industry both past and present. Secondly, synthesize and critically analyze a range of information, cultural signifiers and business data in the process of making a coherent and informed A&R judgement. Thirdly, understand how talent is sourced, researched and developed in the UK music industry. Fourthly, critically and practically analyze the relationship between creativity and commerce within a cultural business.
Artist and repertoire report : Lights Canadian musician
Task requirements: Number all pages. The essay has a word count of 3000 words with a minimum/maximum 10% variation allowed. This includes all text from the beginning of your introduction to the end of your conclusion. The bibliography/ Appendix does not count towards the word count. dO NOT exceed the maximum word count. Submit a word count after your conclusion and before your bibliography Referencing and research requirements. Please reference your work according to the Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online ( This information is also available in book form: Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2019) Cite them right: the essential reference guide. 11th edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
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