Unemployment in Florida. 2022 Best
This assignment explore the current top three causes of unemployment in Florida. Assignment: Explain and argue the causes of a situation (an event, a phenomenon, or a trend). Narrow the topic enough to treat it in some detail and provide more than a mere list of causes.
Unemployment in Florida.
What are the current top three causes of unemployment in Florida? Assignment: Explain and argue the causes of a situation (an event, a phenomenon, or a trend). Narrow the topic enough to treat it in some detail and provide more than a mere list of causes. Must be able to distinguish between the immediate causes and the remote causes of the situation being analyzed. This is not a PRO or CON essay. In addition to simply arguing the cause of a topic, you will need to back up the assertions with researched evidence that helps argue the cause.
Unemployment in Florida.
A minimum of 3 sources is required. The 3 sources needs to be from credible print or library database sources. Simple google searches or random internet pages will not be accepted. If the three sources are met, then the use of internet researches are ok (but use informational literacy in choosing the sources). You will cite your sources and quotes in MLA citation format. As a result, you must have a works cited page at the end of the paper. The paper should: (1-6) 1. Be 900-1100 words, 5 paragraphs with paragraphs being 180 words minimum.
Unemployment in Florida.
2. Argue the causes of the topic and use researched evidence (including direct quotes) to support the claims. 3. It should also distinguish between immediate and remote causes, focusing on immediate causes first. 4. Remember, 3 is the magic number—assertion, evidence, importance. 5. Be typed according to MLA Guidelines—12-point Times New Roman, Name, Professor, Course/Class, Date, and Paper Title all in the correct place. -Works Cited page as well, parenthetical documentation. 6. No 1st or 2nd person, no contractions, use transitional expressions, avoid passive voice, avoid the vague “this”, no sentence fragments, avoid rhetorical questions.
Unemployment in Florida.
This is an ENGLISH PAPER, not for business. Topic: You can choose one of the four options below. 1. What are the current top three causes of unemployment in Florida? 2. What is causing the average American couple to have children later in life than previous generations. 3. Why are late Millennials and Gen Z members so obsessed with the 1980s? What drives that kind of Nostalgia for a time one never lived in? 4. Loss of interpersonal or social skills among Gen Z or Millennials? https://youtu.be/nnJKTiBFQcc