Third space in the office tower. 2022 Best

For this assignment we will focus on the third space in the office tower. This position paper should, in theory, form the basis of your thesis proposal and project. It should offer a preliminary theorization of your idea and its implications as an architectural project.
Third space in the office tower.
Paper details Instruction: The topic should focus on the third space in office towers on architecture. The position statement must engage, challenge, dismiss, and/or react to concepts raised in at least three of the texts I provide in the files and at least three texts you’ve found by yourself. This position paper should, in theory, form the basis of your thesis proposal and project. It should offer a preliminary theorization of your idea and its implications as an architectural project.
Third space in the office tower.
About the topic: In big cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai Shenzhen, the excessive tension of work and the stress that the workplace brings is especially portrayed through the Chinese working society, as excessive workloads and working overtime under immense and compressing pressures have gradually become a detrimental social norm. In Shenzhen, the city is developed extremely fast in the past 30 years. Lots of skyscrapers were built in these period, but most of them were built like boxes because of efficient and economic reason
Third space in the office tower.
. They don’t have place to relax themselves in office towers. The only activities for working class is go to the restroom and smoke the ciagrattes, or go to the only balcony in each building. They need a third space in the office tower to release their stress. This third space should bridge working class and working space, esay for people to go, and great for their physical and mental.
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