Therapeutic Intervention to Increase Memory
Therapeutic Intervention to Increase Memory in Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease. You are required to write a paper that is 5 pages double spaced. You must have at least 6 research articles that you cite in your paper as part of your review, although most topics will require more.
Therapeutic Intervention to Increase Memory
You are required to write a paper that is 5 pages double spaced. You must have at least 6 research articles that you cite in your paper as part of your review, although most topics will require more. The review portion is the body of your paper, not the intro or conclusions. You may have more articles that are either other experimental research articles OR are informational papers that you cite for background information/rationale/definitions, etc. You may NOT use websites or Blogs for this paper.
Therapeutic Intervention to Increase Memory
You may find that for some topics you will want to use the ASHA website for a specific term or definition, but this should be used sparingly. Ideally you will have an introduction, 2-3 sections of information that will lead you to answer your question, a conclusion, and the clinical implications. You must use APA citations Be sure that you cite your sources in the text of your paper and that you have a complete reference page (not included in the 5 page requirement). You must include your personal clinical takeaway from your investigation and tell me some future directions or gaps in the research.
Therapeutic Intervention to Increase Memory
Ensure that you are integrating the information from all your sources and not just listing the finding one by one. Remember this is in the “style” of a systematic review. Each paper should have: 1. Introduction and background section (you may include your reasoning for choosing this topic if you want and feel it is relevant) 2. A statement of the question 3. A statement on how articles were found and chosen 4. 2-3 main sections of evidence where you integrate the research articles you chose in order to answer your questions 5. A conclusion paragraph. A statement of the limitations you found in the research as well as your suggested future directions for the research.
Therapeutic Intervention to Increase Memory
6. Your clinical takeaway and recommendations to your classmates for implementing your chosen topic. Suggested outline for paper: 1. Introduction to the topic 2. Rationale – include why you chose this topic, why it’s important, and what your research question is 3. Methods – how did you search for your articles, what keywords did you use, what search engines and how did you choose or exclude papers? 4. Results/discussion – here is where you will discuss your body of evidence by integrating the findings from multiple articles. This section may be broken down by topic areas that you choose.
Therapeutic Intervention to Increase Memory
5. Conclusion – this section should include the limitations of the studies you read, your suggestions for future research, and the clinical implications of your findings (all 3 of these are REQUIRED). Be sure that you indicate the answer to your question in this section. Example of Research paper template Title of the paper Your name Introduction/background information section (approximately 1-1.5 pages) -in this section you will introduce the topic area, define any relevant terms, and state your question. If there is a personal or professional reason why you chose this topic, you may include it here.
Therapeutic Intervention to Increase Memory
Body of the paper This is where you will reveal the results of your research by integrating the information from at least 6 research studies. Your paper should have 2-4 subsections here depending on your topic. Within each section you will discuss and integrate the findings from the relevant articles. Ideally each section would be referencing at least 2 articles. Discussion/Conclusion Wrap up your findings and summarize. State the limitations of your research. Clinical considerations Clinical takeaways Future directions for research. References. After completion – ask yourself, did you answer your question??