The UBC MBA program – create value for the world.
The UBC MBA program prepares leaders who seek to create value for the world. Please describe a situation in which you created value for an organization or group. What was the outcome?
The UBC MBA program – create value for the world.
Long Answer Question (500 word limit). The UBC MBA program prepares leaders who seek to create value for the world. Please describe a situation in which you created value for an organization or group. What was the outcome? We encourage you to consider your contributions in both professional and community settings.
1: At my previous job, the business’s main activity is service/repair on units that the company sold. It’s about 60% of the total revenue. Each service requires a paperwork order. On the work order, it clearly shows what kind of services has done on the units. Customers need the work order to make payment. However, due to the nature of the paperwork order, It can be lost or misplaced easily.
The UBC MBA program – create value for the world.
The business had to write off numerous invoices without the physical paper, which led to the declined company revenue. Because of the need, I called a meeting together with the accounting and IT department. The IT department thought that the only solution would be to get another software system where the work order built in the system. As a CFO, I knew that the company does not want to spend much money on the new software that is not cost-effective. After a lengthy discussion, I shared my idea to use Adobe to create a pre-filled work order PDF file that would allow the technology to use on the phone or tablet. When the services technical goes out on the job site, he can check and uncheck the pre-filled work order; the customer can sign and pay from his phone or tablet.
The UBC MBA program – create value for the world.
When the phone or the tablet contacts the internet, the work order will send to the billing department in the office immediately for billing. So that the company can 100% limited the paperwork order. I shared my idea with the company CEO; the IT department implemented it immediately. After the short time of testing this electrical work order on a small company, the IT department installed this pre-filled work order on all other affiliated companies within three months. The companies were able to keep the filling system more functional, but also these pre-filled work order became a solution the company tech could work more effectively. 2: Free tax filing services for university students and seniors in my community based on my professional work knowledge.
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