The Music of Strangers. 2022 Best

For this assignment we will focus on the Music of Strangers. Paper details: Watch the documentary The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble, which can be accessed through Amazon Prime as well as other streaming services.
The Music of Strangers.
Introduction to Music Studies | Spring 2022 Essay Writing Assignment “The Music of Strangers”. Format: This Writing Assignment should be between three (3) and four (4) pages using double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font. The header should include Assignment Name, Student Name, and Date. All assignments must be given in complete sentences in a formal, academic style, and checked for writing errors.
The Music of Strangers.
Assignment: 1. Students will watch the documentary The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble, which can be accessed through Amazon Prime as well as other streaming services. 2. Students will take notes on the five (5) key members of the ensemble that are explored from various angles throughout the documentary: Yo-Yo Ma, Kayhan Kalhor, Wu Man, Kinan Azmeh, and Cristina Pato. 3. Students will select three (3) of those individuals for the writing assignment:
The Music of Strangers.
Situating the musicians in terms of their cultural and musical context, B. Examining political and/or cultural events that shaped or challenged their lives, and C. Explaining how they approach musical and cultural hybridity through their musical activities. Turning In Assignments: All assignments must be turned in before the posted due date, and are otherwise late. See syllabus for more information on Late Policies. They need to be attached to the pertinent Writing Assignment tab in the appropriate Unit Module on Canvas.
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