The menstrual cycle. Best 2022

From an anatomical and physiological perspective, we will describe the menstrual cycle. Describe the biological and physiological aspects of the sexual response cycle as described by Masters and Johnson.
The menstrual cycle.
Answers to assignment questions must be original; that is, you must write them all yourself. You can base your answers on information in the course textbook or other sources, but if you use sources other than the textbook, you must cite them appropriately. Assignment 1 1. From an anatomical and physiological perspective, describe the menstrual cycle. Pay special attention to the hormonal changes during the cycle. When is a woman most fertile? What are the physical and emotional changes that tend to occur during this cycle, and why do these occur? (15 marks) 2. Describe the biological and physiological aspects of the sexual response cycle as described by Masters and Johnson.
The menstrual cycle.
Note: Many researchers and sexual health educators feel the response cycle is incomplete. As part of your response, include your thoughts regarding whether the response cycle accurately represents what happens to the human system during sexual activity. Also, comment on the reasons why many researchers and educators feel it is incomplete. (15 marks) Each question may be adequately answered in 2–3 pages and may be done separately. Any additions or diagrams, charts, etc. will not be counted in the page limit.
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