The Estuarine Ecology. 2022 Best
This paper focuses on the estuarine ecology. Paper details: Define the following and provide an estuarine example: Suspension feeder- Deposit Feeder- B) What abiotic factors most strongly determine the distribution of suspension feeders and deposit feeders.
The Estuarine Ecology.
Exam 3_ 2022 1. A) Define the following and provide an estuarine example: Suspension feeder- Deposit Feeder- B) What abiotic factors most strongly determine the distribution of suspension feeders and deposit feeders. Explain why this is so. 2. What is bioturbation? In what ways does it influence abiotic gradients in the interstitial environment? 3. Briefly describe how a natural oyster reef develops and maintains itself. 4. Describe at least three factors that must be considered when selecting a location for a habitat restoration. Explain each. 5. What two elements must be “restored” when conducting habitat restoration? Define and provide an example of each.
The Estuarine Ecology.
6. A) Excluding patience, what are the six steps of estuarine habitat restoration? B) Why is restoration site location so important in the “Field of Dreams” restoration strategy which focuses on the reestablishment of foundation species? 7. The value of habitat restoration efforts is “discounted” according to the amount of time needed for complete restoration, thereby increasing the amount of compensatory restoration required. In layman’s terms, what does this mean? 8. List two specific things that you learned from one of the student presentations given in our Estuarine Ecology course. This cannot include your own presentation.