Tag Archives: philosophies of determinism

No country for old men 2022 Best

No country for old men

This essay is on a book called “no country for old men” And these are the instructions given by my teacher: Explore the opposing philosophies of determinism and natural law as presented in the text. Focus on characters as well as their actions.

No country for old men

This essay is on a book called “no country for old men” And these are the instructions given by my teacher: Explore the opposing philosophies of determinism and natural law as presented in the text. Focus on characters as well as their actions. Prove which philosophy is presented as stronger. Length: 700 word minimum. Essays under 700 words will be returned, minus 50%, to be corrected within one day. Organization: Introduction, body, and conclusion. Note, no specific paragraph number given. Include logical, meaningful transitions. Grade: Focus, content, organization, style, and grammar.

No country for old men

Note: emphasis on notes from earlier this semester. Notes are attached to this assignment. Each mistake equals -1 point unless listed on board earlier this semester. Points: 100 Mistakes: Extra-special ways to lose points: Not = -2 Quotations = -2 → -15 Content mistakes = -3 Passive voice = -2 You (one) = -5 Very = -2 Poor verbs: Goes = -2 Shows = -2 Gets = -2 “ . . . to be . . .” = -2 Makes = -2 Dude = -2 A lot (spelled correctly) = -2 Run on sentences and fragments = -3.  https://youtu.be/HecxXlx1NG4

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