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Professional Teaching Standards 2022 Best

Professional Teaching Standards

The purpose of this assignment is to have students familiarize themselves with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), which are nationally recognized in education, and leads educational policy.

Professional Teaching Standards

Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to have students familiarize themselves with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), which are nationally recognized in education, and leads educational policy. By familiarizing themselves with the standards and position statements of this organization, students become more informed, intentional, politically active, and effective educators. Read the NBPT 5 Core Propositions, and specifically become familiar with Proposition 5 provided below: Proposition 5: Teachers are members of learning communities Teachers collaborate with others to improve student learning. They are leaders and actively know how to seek and build partnerships with community groups and businesses.

Professional Teaching Standards

They work with other professionals on instructional policy, curriculum development and staff development. They can evaluate school progress and the allocation of resources in order to meet state and local education objectives. They know how to work collaboratively with parents to engage them productively in the work of the school. Use the each of the descriptors (the 5 bulleted items above) to create a table that includes a bulleted list of two specific activities that professionals can implement to support each. These activities must be research-based, and you must site your references in Part 3 of this assignment. https://youtu.be/FBGVlyhZWf4

Professional Teaching Standards

Write an essay discussing: An explanation of what NBPT Proposition 5 encompasses and why this statement is important in the field of early childhood education. An examination of the proposition descriptor and specific connections of how it relates to content in this course A detailed, written explanation of the two activities for each descriptor from your table in Step 2 Your essay should be 1300-1500 words and should include at least four (4) citations. The sections should be clearly marked with headings so that your instructor knows which points you are addressing. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. The title page and references page do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment. Assignment Expectations: Length: 1500-1750 words

Professional Teaching Standards

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment. References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least four (4) scholarly sources to support your claims. Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx). File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the module number (for example, “RHall Module 1.docx”)

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