Tag Archives: developmental theories
Moral dilemma from middle childhood 2022 Best
This paper explores a moral dilemma from middle childhood: 1. Describe the dilemma 2. Describe the options a. Option one i. Pros – both internal and external ii. Cons – both internal and external
Moral dilemma from middle childhood
Instructions Moral dilemma from middle childhood: 1. Describe the dilemma 2. Describe the options a. Option one i. Pros – both internal and external ii. Cons – both internal and external b. Option two i. Pros – both internal and external ii. Cons – both internal and external 3. Describe what you chose to do 4. Describe reasons for your choice 5. Explain what stage of moral development you were in based on your REASONS, not choice Factors to consider: 1. Make sure your dilemma is a MORAL dilemma. It can only be considered so if it meets the guidelines presented and there was actually a sense of conflict involved in both choices. 2. Make sure you fully describe your options, your choice, and your reason for making the choice.
Moral dilemma from middle childhood
3. Make sure you accurately relate the text to your reasons, not your choice (it is always the reasons for the choice that indicate the moral development stage, not the choice alone). 4. Remember that most choices we make are not from the level 3 perspective. You should only analyze based on level 3 if your dilemma meets all the criteria in the text, and if it relate to just overarching moral or spiritual principle that you would adhere to in all situations, not just the one you found yourself in. Student Learning Outcomes: Examine developmental theories and domains of development; considering developmental theory in terms of cultural context. https://youtu.be/jwOQ7ZqDWN4