Tag Archives: communication

Concepts of persuasion 2022 Best

Concepts of persuasion

For this assignment, review the basic concepts of persuasion discussed in Cialdini (2001) and McLean (2012).  Assignment content should include a brief introduction to the assignment, background information about the organization being studied, and discussion in terms of the concepts or theories being applied in the assignment.

Concepts of persuasion

MGT 420-Mod4 SLP-PERSUASION. Paper details Module 4 – SLP PERSUASION For this assignment, review the basic concepts of persuasion discussed in Cialdini (2001) and McLean (2012). Make sure you are clear on the distinction between argument, persuasion, and propaganda. Once you have finished reviewing the background materials, think about communication that you receive in your daily life that is intended to sway your attitudes, opinion, or behavior. This could be communication from your employer, YouTube videos, TV advertisements, spam email, and a host of other communication that you are exposed to in your daily life.

Concepts of persuasion

After reviewing some communication examples, write a 3-page paper with a minimum of two scholarly sources (citing and referencing) addressing the following questions: Describe a communication example that you have seen that is best described as propaganda. In addition to describing the communication, explain why you think this was propaganda rather than argumentation or persuasion. Now find a communication example that you think is a good example of argumentation. Last, but definitely not least, find a communication example that is best defined as persuasion and best fits the concepts of persuasion discussed in Cialdini (2001) or McLean (2012).

Concepts of persuasion

Explain why you think this communication best fits the definition of persuasion rather than propaganda or argumentation. SLP Assignment Expectations SLP assignments are to be prepared in Microsoft Word and should be 2 to 3 pages in length in addition to a cover page (course name and number, module number, session name, student name, and date prepared) and reference list (double-spaced, 12 pt. type, Times New Roman font) with a 2- to 3-sentence introduction, a body, and a 2- to 3-sentence conclusion. Use Trident University International’s cover page and the present the reference list page in APA format. https://youtu.be/cFdCzN7RYbw

Concepts of persuasion

Assignment content should include a brief introduction to the assignment, background information about the organization being studied, and discussion in terms of the concepts or theories being applied in the assignment. Use headings and subheadings to improve presentation values. Include both a References page and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper, including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Attention is to be given to citing sources of information in-text as well as in the References page to list sources at the end of the paper. Citation and reference style instructions are available at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10/ or at APAstyle.org.

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Common IoT Vulnerabilities and Exposures. 2022 Best

Common IoT Vulnerabilities and Exposures.

This assignment involves creating memo on Common IoT Vulnerabilities and Exposures. Your task this week is to check the internet and the Common IoT Vulnerabilities. List for networked IoT or IoMT devices with publicly known problems identified in the past six months.

Common IoT Vulnerabilities and Exposures.

Vulnerability Memo. Paper details Instructions Your task this week is to check the internet and the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) List for networked IoT or IoMT devices with publicly known problems identified in the past six months. Select two devices related that might be relevant to the organization setting and review what is known about the vulnerabilities of these devices. For each device, include background information about the device, a description of the vulnerability, possible solutions that have been identified to fix the vulnerability, and your recommendation on whether the organization should avoid the product.

Common IoT Vulnerabilities and Exposures.

Use this Memo Template to record your work. How Will My Work Be Evaluated? In writing a clear and concise memo to inform management about potential vulnerabilities, you are demonstrating communication skills, technical expertise, and responsiveness to stakeholder needs and concerns. The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment: 1.2.1: Identify the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication. 1.3.4: Balance original content with supporting sources. 1.4.1: Produce grammatically correct material in standard academic English that supports the communication. https://youtu.be/qfpnJyTl1To

Common IoT Vulnerabilities and Exposures.

2.1.1: Identify the issue or problem under consideration. 10.1.1: Identify the problem to be solved. 10.1.3: Define the specifications of required technologies. 12.1.1: Determine business needs that require policies, processes, and procedures. 12.3.1: Select controls. 12.3.2: Describe the implementation of controls. When you are finished, submit your work by using the box below. Due Date Apr 6, 2021 11:59 PM Hide Rubrics Rubric Name: Project 1: Vulnerability Memo This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.

Common IoT Vulnerabilities and Exposures.

You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table. Evaluation Criteria Exceeds Performance Requirements Meets Performance Requirements Approaches Performance Requirements Does Not Meet Performance Requirements Criterion Score 1.2.1: Identify the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication. 10 points Identifies the target audience, context, and goal of communication in a clear and appropriate manner. 8.5 points Identifies the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication.

Common IoT Vulnerabilities and Exposures.

7.5 points Attempts to identify the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication, but there are issues with accuracy or appropriateness. 0 points Does not identify the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication. Score of 1.2.1: Identify the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication., / 10 1.3.4: Balance original content with supporting sources. 10 points Balances original content with supporting sources in a way that fully highlights the original contribution, and all supporting sources are completely appropriate.

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The negotiation process. 2022 Best

The negotiation process.

This paper explore the negotiation process. Negotiation is a highly important personal and professional skill which presents itself with numerous challenges.

The negotiation process.

Negotiation is a highly important personal and professional skill which presents itself with numerous challenges. Understanding how to successfully negotiate with a variety of persons is important for effective communication across a variety of contexts. Complete both part one and part two of this assignment. Part One: Role Play Directions: choose ONE of the scenarios from the attached “Negotiation Scenarios” document, or an alternative scenario approved by your instructor. To successfully do your negotiation, follow the Seven Elements of Principled Negotiation found in the textbook and use those during your selected “Negotiation Scenario.”

The negotiation process.

For this assignment, you will serve as the initiating party of the negotiation. The objective is to gain a better understanding of the negotiation process and how each step functions. You will need to solicit the help of one person. This person will take on the role of the adversarial party in your selected scenario. One Volunteer Please solicit the help of one volunteer, this can be a friend, family member, or classmate. This volunteer will help you role play the negotiation scenario. Share your selected scenario with the volunteer and inform them that there is no verbatim script, so they are encouraged to behave the way they feel the participant would in a real negotiation.

The negotiation process.

Encourage your volunteer to approach this in a serious and realistic fashion when advocating for their assigned position. The provided scenarios should require about 20 minutes of your volunteers time in order to properly address the negotiation. *To help orient your instructor, state the role you took and the goals you set out with in your essay. Additionally, include the name of your volunteer in your essay. Part Two: Essay After conducting the negotiation, write a 1,250-1,750-word paper that discusses your experience and cites at least four credible and authoritative references. In your paper, analyze and reflect on your experience negotiating using the Seven Principles of Negotiation.

The negotiation process.

Consider the following prompts: Were you able to focus on the relationship or did it become competitive? What elements of communication were you able to attend to and which did you struggle the most with? Did you remain on the interest or did it get personal? What options did you generate for the outcome? What were your solution criteria? Did you achieve your desired outcome or use the BATNA? Was the commitment fair and realistic? How so? How might this negotiation have been different if it were real and not a role play? This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. https://youtu.be/PKz4pDm1e90

The negotiation process.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance. All B.A. in Communication majors should save the final version of this assignment with edits that incorporate faculty feedback after grading. Students should also save the assignment directions. COM-490: Communication Capstone will require students to prepare a portfolio that showcases their work in the program. Please save this assignment in multiple locations. See the “Communication Professional Portfolio Guide” under course materials for further instructions

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Children growth and learning. 2022 Best

Children growth and learning.

For this assignment we will plan developmentally appropriate activities and schedules, which promote all children growth and learning. Design curriculum that is inclusive and represents the diversity of children and families.

Children growth and learning.

This assignment meets the following course outcomes: Plan developmentally appropriate activities and schedules, which promote all children’s growth and learning. Design curriculum that is inclusive and represents the diversity of children and families. Design curriculum that supports children’s language/communication, cognitive, social/emotional, fine/gross motor and creative development. You will create a weekly lesson plan to support school age children enrolled in a before and after-school program. You will need to review the following documents before beginning: Preparing a School Age Curriculum.docx School Age Plan Example_.docx.

Children growth and learning.

You will use the attached template to create your plan. Before beginning, you will want to spend some time brainstorming a developmentally appropriate topic for school age children. School Age lesson-plan.docx In a separate document respond to the following: 1. How do you know your topic has integrity? Use the “Does it Have Integrity” document to frame your answer. This should be 5-7 sentences. 2. What are the different considerations when planning for school aged children versus preschool aged children?  3. What are the benefits to a planned school age curriculum? Why not just have no plan at all? After all, they are in school all day, right? https://youtu.be/gIZ8PkLMMUo

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Management team report – 2022 Best

Management team report

This focuses on writing a management team report. You are now ready to deliver a final presentation to management establishing a project team and project phases needed to initiate the changes for a more centralized model of delivering HR services.

Management team report

You are now ready to deliver a final presentation to management establishing a project team and project phases needed to initiate the changes for a more centralized model of delivering HR services. Once the management team receives the report and is thoroughly briefed on the direction the project will take, you and your project team will begin work on the project. The management team report will be a consolidation of the previous assignment papers you have written in this course plus an executive summary and final conclusion (offering importance of topics and recommendations for next steps). You may make up a fictitious company name (do not use a real company) and create your own HR project team name.

Management team report

Instructions Prepare a 15–20 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you: Create an executive summary summarizing and emphasizing the key points of the report’s contents, which are the topics from previous papers in the course. Hint: How to Write an Executive Summary: A Quick Guide. 12+ Best Executive Summary Templates & Samples – PDF. Address the following bulleted topics from your previously revised papers in the notes area with summary bullets for that content placed on the corresponding slides.

Note: Make sure you incorporate any feedback received on your previous work, as applicable. Provide a statement of overall importance and include the vision and mission statement. Describe how the vision and mission statement relates to the overall strategy.

Management team report

Create a project charter and emphasize the importance of the information in the charter to the project. Discuss a minimum of four outcomes that could occur during this project. Identify and discuss the challenges a project manager may face when leading virtual or global project teams. Recommend a few strategies to deal with the challenges. Outline the overall plan for communication management during the project. Explain how the budget was determined. Insert the WBS and budget file, created in Week 4, into the presentation and summarize the meaning of the findings.

Use the following resource as needed: Insert a Chart From an Excel Spreadsheet Into Word. Also, discuss the behavioral skills needed for project success. Identify and explain the possible risks to your project and ways to mitigate those risks. https://youtu.be/l9IGP3X7Q1E

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