Tag Archives: clinical practice.

Appraising nursing research articles. 2022 Best

Appraising nursing research articles.

This assignment focuses on appraising nursing research articles. The purpose for appraising an article is to critically evaluate the research process followed by the author(s) of the assigned article.

Appraising nursing research articles.

Over the next two weeks, you will spend time reading at a deeper level about how nursing research is done. At the same time, you will read the nursing research article that has been selected for this course, and examine it closely for the same things you have been reading about in the textbook. Your assignment will help you break down each section of the article so that you can learn to look at nursing research articles a bit more closely and, hopefully, apply to your clinical practice. Additional resources for appraisal include the mini-lecture and chapter 18 in Gray, Grove, and Sutherland (2017) and Library Resources.

Appraising nursing research articles.

Submission Instructions: A major skill that is learned in this course is how to critically read and according to the guideline found in your textbook. The purpose for appraising an article is to critically evaluate the research process followed by the author(s) of the assigned article. This is an information-intensive, time-intensive process that is not learned overnight. To demonstrate your skill at appraising an article, you will complete this open-book assignment. Here’s how you should approach completing this week’s assignment to begin appraising an article: 1. First, do your assigned reading in Gray, Grove, and Sutherland (2017) each week. https://youtu.be/yrpvhYsZNz4

Appraising nursing research articles.

This will introduce you to the critique skills you will need for the week. 2. Skim the entire instructor assigned research article that has been posted on CANVAS in Module 1 Reading and on the assignment for you so that you will have an idea of what it is about. For this week, re-read carefully the introduction/literature review /theoretical framework and methods sections of the article again. 3. Print the Research Article Appraisal, Part One Assignment and find the best answer to each question based on your Gray, Grove, and Sutherland (2017) assigned readings and on what you have read in the instructor assigned research article.

Appraising nursing research articles.

4. Some of the questions in the critique assignment below will seem unfamiliar to you. Look up key terms from the question in your textbook. Some examples of these terms might be problem statements, hypotheses, or variables. You can also look in Chapter 18 for an example of a critical appraisal of a quantitative research article. 5. You will write a formal paper for this assignment using the paper guideline found below, including APA, citations, and reference page. Do not leave the questions in the paper, do not use a template for this paper. Once completed, upload your assignment to the assignment submission link by the time and date listed on the Course Schedule.  https://youtu.be/yrpvhYsZNz4

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Middle Range Theory. 2022 Best

Middle Range Theory.

This assignment asks you to analyze and evaluate a middle range theory. Discuss the major concepts of the theory Philosophical basis or worldview change, advancing health Structural aspects of the theory

Middle Range Theory.

Middle Range Theory Utilization & Application Paper Goal: Analyze and evaluate a middle range theory. You will select a middle range theory and identify application of nursing theories into clinical practice. Content Requirements: Components of the theory Discuss the major concepts of the theory Philosophical basis or worldview change, advancing health Structural aspects of the theory. Discuss the framework of the theory. Identify an area of your practice where this theory could be applicable What question does the theory help to answer?

Middle Range Theory.

Describe the area of interest in relationship to the theory/theoretical model. Is it appropriate for the practice setting and is it applicable? Discuss the strength and weakness of the theory. If there is weakness, discuss what makes it difficult to be used in practice. Use of theory in clinical practice. Performing a literature review is essential to completing this section. If there is no literature available about the application of this theory in practice, address reason(s) why based on your findings. Evaluation of theory Is this theory used to understand and apply into practice?

Middle Range Theory.

What difficulties did you encounter or would anticipate encountering in using this theory? What would make this theory more usable or applicable to practice? Include abstract and references page. Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.https://youtu.be/9Q8md9h7FtE

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Qualitative Research Study. 2022 Best

Qualitative Research Study.

Critical Appraisal of a Qualitative Research Study.  For your initial post, select one current nursing qualitative research article that can be translated into evidence-based practice.

Qualitative Research Study.

Critical Appraisal of a Qualitative Research Study.  For your initial post, select one current nursing qualitative research article that can be translated into evidence-based practice. Review the article and complete the worksheet provided. Your analysis will include the required elements of the research process. Identify the steps or elements of the study. Determine the strengths and limitations of the research study including the components of rigor. Evaluate the credibility and meaning of the study findings. Attach the completed worksheet to your initial discussion post. What is the identified research problem? https://youtu.be/_uapR0qiN6s

Qualitative Research Study.

Does the author include the significance and background of the problem? Did the author clearly articulate the research purpose? What was the purpose of the research? Identify the study methodology. Did the article include a relevant review of the literature? Explain. Describe the theoretical framework for the research study? Identify the components of the qualitative research study. Describe the results of the study along with identified strengths and limitations. Include appropriate terms for rigor in qualitative research Discuss the findings including relevancy to clinical practice. Permalink for the article selected.

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